You or anybody you know look like someone famous?


Established Member
This should be interesting...

My ex-girlfriend thought I looked like Harry Potter with my glasses on...

It's not that good of a picture, but I'll let you be the judge:


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my friend sherard at work says i sound at act like some actor in some movie... but he cant remember his name.... so that isnt much help is it. hmmmm... ill get back to you on it.
Then I feel bad for you...

As Anakin was a complete, and total wuss.

His feeble attempts with Padme were just embarassing to watch....
When I started my current job back in 2000 one of the guys I was working with was convinced I looked just like John Cusack in Being John Malkovich. :blink:
Originally posted by Gallstaff@Aug 24, 2004 @ 02:11 AM

I look like Brad Pitt.  Just take my word for it.

Yeah.. and I look like Tom Cruise...

You'll look like Brad Pitt after you blow your brains out like in "Fight Club".

:lol: 😱wned

I'm just messing with ya.

well actually i kind of also felt cloud kind of looked like a younger rolf... hrmmm, i just remembered what my buddies at work said... joe thinks i sound like Edward Roberts (????) and sherard think i look like the freddy krueger guy, robert englund.... hrmmm, i can kinda see that actually.
Originally posted by Arakon@Aug 24, 2004 @ 06:04 AM

I look a lot like Arakon. really, I do.

did I mention yet that I hate you all?

I've been seeing Cloud121/RolfWrenWalsh use that line/phrase a number of times now (see his sig). Did he steal it from you? :lol: