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Hey long time no chat friend! I've been away for a while. Kind of forgot about segaxtreme. How have you been?
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Long time no see ! I hope everything is fine on your side too 🙂
Nothing really new happened here during your pause : work during the day, and fixing/adding bugs in Pseudo Saturn Kai during the night 😀
Keep up the good work! You are a legend!

I no longer have a saturn, but am playing my games on SSF lately. Runs really well thus far. While I can't test anything on real hardware, if you need any sort of testing on emulators, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand like I did when I had a Saturn.
XL2 I Have Problems With Compiling Your Map Tool It Says That Non Of Meshes Have Polygons
С тобой можно где-нибудь связаться (дискорд/icq)? У меня желание есть перевести Дракулу Икс с сатурна, хотел бы с тобой по поводу софта проконсультироваться.
Когда удобное время будет для беседы?
В случае чего - извиняюсь за свою неосведомлённость, ранее не увидел посвящённый этой теме гайд у Вас на канале.
Если я в сети, значит есть какое-то время.
// Working on Project AXSX (A Sonic Xtreme inspired Fangame) (Only on PC not Saturn Sorry)
Retranslating the mess Robert L. Jerauld did! Soul Blader done, Illusion of Gaia WIP and Robotrek will be done dunno when...