Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Saturn English Patch

Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Saturn English Patch 0.21

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 3 reviews

Revisiting the Saturn and thought I'd give your patch a spin! The overlapping text issue reared its head again during the first "conversation" with Zophar. The character portrait from the dialog would also float on screen after the dialog was closed, but would clear after opening and closing the menu. Saving and resetting seems to have cleared the issue up for now. Not sure if you're still working on this, but either way, thank you for your effort!
Mr Conan
Its still being worked on in the background, possibly an update in the next month or so if I figured this out correctly…
Getting around to finally playing this. Playing on real hardware. None of the items descriptions are working. It has the previously mentioned issue of over lapping texts. Wish I could comment on a regular thread.
Mr Conan
Thanks for reporting, ill take a look on real hw.
Hello, I'm following your project closely, I hope you don't abandon it because there are many Lunar fans who would love to play on their Saturn like me, even more so an undub version with English subtitles is fantastic, don't get discouraged and thanks for the hard work!