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  1. M

    Action replay communication program?

    Too bad I can't use the parallel port :( . Where can I find that ISA card? Is it a common card or is it a special one only intened for action replay?
  2. M

    Action replay communication program?

    Thank you for posting this site! I didn't notice that all I needed was here :) The program I was looking for was commslnk to transfer saves. But, I have a problem. I can't download or upload anything to the cart. What the progam does, is to show a spinning slash and nothing happens next...
  3. M

    Action replay communication program?

    I managed to make my action replay work (after destroying one saturn :flute:), and now I'm looking for that communication program that is used to communicate between the pc and the cart. The webpage of EMS is down and noone else seems to have it. Honestly is worth looking for that program?
  4. M

    Saturn nuked? Please help!

    Well if I was in USA I would, but I live in Greece, and sending it there will cost me almost the same money buying radiant silvergun! So, I guess I'll have to find a new one..
  5. M

    Saturn nuked? Please help!

    Some time ago, I posted here on how to get an AR 4in1 cart to work. Well, after some time, I realized that some pins were in the wrong place, short-circuiting the unit. For some odd reason, I had to connect the AR in order to operate my saturn. If it was missing the screen was blank, but it...
  6. M

    Action replay 4in 1 not working!

    That's what I'm thinking. but I don't know of a better cleaning solution. What do you suggest? I used alcohol dipped in a q-tip and rubbed the contacts. In the past, when I used this method to clean cartridges it worked! Do you think I have to push a little the contacts to be tighter? By the...
  7. M

    Action replay 4in 1 not working!

    Alright, things are grtting really strange. I tried the cart at a friend's machine and it works fine, so it's not the cart broken. I think that the cart slot needs to be cleaned, but I don't konw how! I tried a q-tip but nothing!! What should I do???
  8. M

    VGA Adapter Question

    The VGA cable works for TFT monitors or just CRT?
  9. M

    Action replay 4in 1 not working!

    I tried to clean the cartridge slot but after the cleaning it doesn't work, using the methods you described me. It seems I got a basted AR :(
  10. M

    Action replay 4in 1 not working!

    Thank you for the quick replies! I've tried the first and second suggestion but nothing happens. For the 3rd and 4th suggestion I don't know how to check them, I'm not so skillful with soldering irons and such. Myersxxx which chip should I check before replace? Also I'm thinking that the...
  11. M

    Action replay 4in 1 not working!

    I've just bought a EMS Action Replay 4 in 1 from Lik-Sang, but my saturn doens't recognise ot when I plug it in. My Saturn is a european model 2. I tried pushing it very hard, but it still won't recognise it. What should I do?