Action replay 4in 1 not working!

I've just bought a EMS Action Replay 4 in 1 from Lik-Sang, but my saturn doens't recognise ot when I plug it in. My Saturn is a european model 2. I tried pushing it very hard, but it still won't recognise it. What should I do?
Try inserting the cart into the slot and then pulling it back out again just a little.
I also had problems, I found out that have to turn the cartridge a little degrees to the left.

If it still not works, check the two logic IC's (I think the two 74hc157's)
The 74HC157s are only there for multiplexing the address for the expansion RAM. As far as I know, the menu should still come up even if they're not working. I would check the soldering on the Flash chips (which contain the menu program) and PALs (which do address/control decoding).
I know, but you can trust me, I crashed one of these IC's and it did not boot. After replacing the chip, it booted again 🙂
Thank you for the quick replies!

I've tried the first and second suggestion but nothing happens.

For the 3rd and 4th suggestion I don't know how to check them, I'm not so skillful with soldering irons and such.

Myersxxx which chip should I check before replace?

Also I'm thinking that the cartridge slot might be dirty or bad, since I bought my saturn used. If this is the case, how can I check if it is dirty or bad? I don't have another saturn cartridge to check
I know, but you can trust me, I crashed one of these IC's and it did not boot. After replacing the chip, it booted again 🙂
Weird. I don't even know how that would happen... I don't think those are connected to the Saturn cart bus at all.
Myersxxx which chip should I check before replace?

If you open the cartridge, you will find two 74HC157 IC's.

I've made it simple and plugged one of my new HC157's over the old, built-in IC's on the Action Replay PCB. Be sure that all pins have contact and be sure that you turn the chip in the right direction (e.g.: pin1 to pin1)

Later I found out whicht of these two chips was defective and unsolder/replace the IC.

Because my AR Firmware was destroyed too, I had to apply new Firmware. Soon I found out that the Saturn Contest CD (see posts here in fourm) also provided AR Firmware update. Nice effect: I have newest Firmware now.

You also can clean the AR contacts with Q-TIP's

I get bootscreen if the left side of AR is deeper in Saturn slot as the right side of AR (or was it vice versa?) Try it out multiple times.

If you have an original Saturn Memory Cart, you can check the slot easily, because original carts always be recognised by Saturn
Okay, now I feel stupid... obviously the 74HC157s are connected to the address pins. I guess if there was an internal short that would keep things from booting...
Did you try an electronic cleaner on the Saturn slot ? The first time I used the slot with a country card unlocker, it wasn't working at all, with that cleaner, I fixed my problem.
I tried to clean the cartridge slot but after the cleaning it doesn't work, using the methods you described me. It seems I got a basted AR 🙁
Alright, things are grtting really strange.

I tried the cart at a friend's machine and it works fine, so it's not the cart broken.

I think that the cart slot needs to be cleaned, but I don't konw how! I tried a q-tip but nothing!!

What should I do???
Use a better contact cleaner, breath a little inside the card port, retry while it doesn't work. try other cards to see if they work.
The card port on the saturn is very touchy, and can burn out. However try placing it firmly in the port after cleaning it and then pulling it out very slightly. This sometimes works on touchy consoles.
vbt said:
Use a better contact cleaner, breath a little inside the card port, retry while it doesn't work. try other cards to see if they work.

That's what I'm thinking. but I don't know of a better cleaning solution. What do you suggest? I used alcohol dipped in a q-tip and rubbed the contacts. In the past, when I used this method to clean cartridges it worked! Do you think I have to push a little the contacts to be tighter?

By the way, when I insert the cart I feel it a little "loose" on the console, I mean that I can push it back and forth easily. Is that normal? Should the cartridge be firmly attached?
The cartridge should be firm, in my saturn it doesn't move at all and is rather hard to move. Your cartridge port may be toast on that saturn.