Hey guys, I'm a total novice with all this stuff, so bare with me if it seems like I have no idea what im talking about. I just picked up a Saroo and a Saturn and wanted to try playing some homebrew titles available. One of the Homebrews I found (Sonic Z-treme) comes in the format with an .ISO...
Since I couldn't find any tools that gave me full access to the SCSP's unique feature set, I decided to try writing one myself. The result of this effort (and my first serious Sega Saturn project) is Calypso: an interactive sound design program that lets you create and play your own custom...
Really basic CDDA patch that boosts the volume of the music tracks without peaking them so you actually can hear them over the SFX.
The main game theme transitions into two remixed versions by Iceferno to keep things fresh before returning back to the main theme again, giving you a lot of...
I'm not a hacker, but I've always wanted to play Night Striker on the Saturn with the arranged soundtrack from the Mega CD version. I own both games and found redump images for both. I'm not sure if I'm over-thinking this or under-thinking it. The Saturn game has 18 audio tracks (the arcade...
This little fix swaps the necessary game files to correct the reversed music tracks of the Wasteland, The Tower and The Pit II stages, thus making the music sequence of all the regular stages (minus the hidden Goro's Lair stage) more faithful to the original arcade version.
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