10 new XP patches are out today!

Originally posted by schi0249@Wed, 2005-02-09 @ 04:28 PM

Yeah; more broken things fixed. How much more do you think they broke, while fixing?

[post=129373]Quoted post[/post]​

If you think they suck so much then write your own OS and we'll see how many bugs will that have.
I'm not a programmer however. MS has how much money, and how many people at their disposal? Linux has how much by comparison? I remember one paticular patch from last year. After installing it; it created more problems. They next day they released a patch to fix the patch.
If you think they suck so much then write your own OS and we'll see how many bugs will that have.

Go wrap your head around Plan 9 and then try to explain to me how Windows' architecture is sane in any way.
Rob Pike versus David Cutler in a cage fight to the death! Anyway, architecture has little to do with bugs in libpng and the like.
I may not be that tech savy, nor am I a huge advocate of MS... but picking on them for bugs in there system is kinda meh. You usually have bugs in something.

With windows I come to see it as understandable (annoying, but still understandable). I don't give me this BS that linux doesn't have its problems... Linux has the problem of NOT being user friendly, which causes the lack in noticeable bugs. Only those savy enough in the area use it and know how to work around problems because they set it up themselves. When building something from the ground up that is to be used on a generalized system like the PC (it being a very NON proprietary system in comparison to say Mac) and attempting to be user friendly has to bundle a lot into the OS. Linux is very bare bone... less parts less bugs. Windows has to cover every base because its market are people who know crap about computers. So the more parts, the more bugs. common f'ing logic. And a forgiveable thing. An OS that does everything that Windows does at the price it is offered at is rather forgiveable for its bugs in my eyes. Take for instance, Suse costs almost as much as XP (I have seen it sold for 129 USD at best buy)... Suse doesn't do everything right out of the boxx that XP does. So stop your griping! Its really pompous just shoving in peoples face that you "know" how to use Linux... unless your someone who needs Linux (like say developers, or IceMan, or something along those lines which I bet some people here at SX do) your just an annoying wanna be. I have no use for the thing, so have no urge to actually use it. The only thing I might ever want Linux for is so I can use my damn XBOX as a internet box... and I still haven't done that you pompous fucks. The general populous needs them a OS, Windows covers that for them.

oh and no, this isn't directed at cybie... cybie a good guy.
Heh...this event caused a lot of excitement at work. There might be 10 XP patches, but MS released 13 patches total for all their products. Running 'round getting all our servers patched for just the critical critical issues was a serious pain in the arse.
Linux has the problem of NOT being user friendly

Frankly, Windows has the same problem. The thing is, so many people are "raised" on Windows that a different set of usability problems sticks out like a sore thumb.
Actually, coming from DOS and Windows 3.x, I find every edition of Windows to be a bigger PITA. Some of the things they've automated, I didn't want automated. Now its more of a bitch to remember how to change things myself. But at least there's a standard GUI, a standard way of doing things, so it doesn't have the same learning curve for MOST people. Most people don't care what any of their settings are. So for them, Windows is so much easier to install, use, install programs on, and get help with. The lack of flexibility actually works to its advantage here.

Not like I care, this box still uses the same WinME install it has for years. It still runs fine, hell I might fire up WoW for a bit before school. I'll probably put XP SP2 on my next box, and that will require me to print a sheet or two with pointers on crap I need to change. But the next Windows, now that one I'm not sure about at all.
Actually, coming from DOS and Windows 3.x, I find every edition of Windows to be a bigger PITA. Some of the things they've automated, I didn't want automated. Now its more of a bitch to remember how to change things myself.

This is more or less exactly what I'm talking about; if you aren't "native" to the modern Windows environment, you'll tend to notice its flaws more. Whether your experience is in MacOS, classic Windows/DOS or AmigaOS or whatever.

But at least there's a standard GUI, a standard way of doing things

As there is in, say, GNOME. A Linux system is what distributors make it, and not all distros promote the uber-configuration fetishism that is often ascribed to "Linux"; I appreciate this now more than ever after recently moving from Gentoo to Ubuntu.

But the next Windows, now that one I'm not sure about at all.

Tell me about it. I do like some things I'm hearing about it, but unless they're getting rid of Product Activation, I don't plan on using it as my personal OS (I have a problem with being required to ask permission to use software I've paid for).
When building something from the ground up that is to be used on a generalized system like the PC (it being a very NON proprietary system in comparison to say Mac) and attempting to be user friendly has to bundle a lot into the OS.

Ok... I have four OSes instealled on my main machine - Gentoo Linux, Windows XP, QNX v6, and BeOS. Both QNX and BeOS, although lacking in hardware support, are far easier to use for general tasks than XP.

Linux is very bare bone... less parts less bugs.

What the hell are you talking about? This is entirely dependent on the distribution, but most of them bundle much more software than you'll find on any Windows CD.

An OS that does everything that Windows does at the price it is offered at is rather forgiveable for its bugs in my eyes. Take for instance, Suse costs almost as much as XP (I have seen it sold for 129 USD at best buy)... Suse doesn't do everything right out of the boxx that XP does.

Or you could just download SuSE... for free. And what doesn't it do out of the box that XP does? Encode WMA files?

I have no use for the thing, so have no urge to actually use it.

That's fine, but don't assume that people have any use for Windows.
never had a virus....I think ONE blue-screen with XP, I have problems w/ an xbox proggy and that's it, lol. XP does what I want/need. Ya, it could always be better BUT I know my way around it pretty solid and can get it to do what I want to do nice and easily. All dependent on preference I guess.....
never had a virus

How do you know? ;)

Seriously, though, "viruses" are overblown. Trojans are a more serious problem, and one that exists on almost every operating system out there. It's easier than it should be for a trojan to get its game on when running on a typical desktop Windows install, but I think the biggest problem is unsafe administration practices, not OS code.
Unsafe administration practices, such as 'having the network cable plugged in when you install Windows'.
well most people I know download every little thing they see. Like fancy smiley thing, sparkly cursurs, weatherbug, toolbars, etc. Do people not relise this is the shit that fucks w/ your PC?

Also, I could of had a virus, I dunno. But if I do it's not caught by any spyware program, I have never seen/noticed it running, never caught by AVG or anything. Hell, if you have a virus/trojan that just chills and doesn't do anything, then let it stay for awhile, lol.
Originally posted by ExCyber@Thu, 2005-02-10 @ 03:45 PM

As there is in, say, GNOME. A Linux system is what distributors make it, and not all distros promote the uber-configuration fetishism that is often ascribed to "Linux"; I appreciate this now more than ever after recently moving from Gentoo to Ubuntu.
I was more referring to the fact that there are different distros and ways of doing things out there. Everything can be different. Windows users just pop in the CD, and everything is taken care of for them. Is that always good? No, but that's the way it is. Maybe the Lindows guys have it right with the CNR warehouse, but I really hate the way it works (other than its ease of use). If you had one particular way of doing things win out, and become the de facto standard, people could adapt and stick with that. But do you want that?

PJ: Viruses and trojans don't generally "do nothing". They tend to do things, even if what they're doing is not immediately obvious.
I recently converted 100% to SuSE 9.2 No dual booting with Windows either. It hasn't been perfect, but I'm enjoying it.