2 more weeks!!!!

A can of cherry blossom potpourri could probably cover the stench of burning flesh..... :flamethrower:

or maybe not.
Originally posted by mountaindud@Mar 8, 2004 @ 05:40 AM

WD40 doesn't spray, it just kind of squirts. I don't think it's even flammable. I'd recommend starter spray.

It sprays very well, and it's very flammable.

Cooking Oil sprays very well too. Better in fact, since it's designed to evenly coat. Smells like buttah.
You'd have to have a pretty bad diet to be able to roast a town full of zombies with farts. I always found cheap deodorant to be good for a bit of arson.
One of my favorite pyro techniques is non-dairy creamer, a straw, and a candle. Not too useful against zombies, but try it sometime when you're outside in a nice non-flammable area. 😉
What do you think would be the best vehicle to drive during a zombie incedent?

The handbook says a motorcycle. I think a mac truck or a hummer. Nothing can stop those things 🙂
Hey remember that episode of the A-Team where they built that truck with the armor panels and the machine gun turret? Yeah, that. 🙂
Apache helicopter would be my pick. Either that or a bomb squad/hazmat vehicle, those things are pretty well sealed up (although I guess tanks are as well). A big semi would be nice too (yeah, I watched the original DoD recently).

Hows that work

Well basically, the non dairy creamer is fine enough that it pretty much goes up instantaneously. So you can blow it through the straw towards the candle and create a big ass flashfire, since the powder spreads out and all ignites at once. Useful for burning 10' circles of dry grass to the ground.
Wait. We could dress the zombies up in those recalled pj's those girls died in in 1998 then set them on fire when they are sleeping.

Yeah, I brought the drepession and the funny in one post.
Ug. 1998 - three girls at a sleepover were waring this certain kind of pajama and they were made of this flammable material. They were lighting a candle and all three of them went up in flames. The material used to make the pajamas were later recalled.
Actually, you'd be surprised how often the issue of flammable pajamas comes up. The lesson here is stay away from pajamas. EVEN IF they claim to be flame retardent (especially if they claim that).