3rd Party Broadband Adapters?!?!

you´re right, that´s exactly the thing I´m trying to set up here. And if it works, I can finally do a full NAT-routing to my Dreamcasts MODEM (I´m a poor 33.6K euro-user), since I can just hook up a modem to my pc and connect it to the DC, it will give me Internet access without any problems if configured correctly. Sadly, my last NAT software made my system crash, PSO-sessions are slightly frustrating if you lose your character every 5 minutes.
Quote: from Artemio Urbina on 11:14 am on Oct. 5, 2001


Mmhh buy the pieces to build a 486 machine with a network card.. even no monitor.. (I built one this week for 10 USD) And install Linux on it.. use it as a router....

better and cheaper...

Linux is crap compared to a real router, I once tried to do NAT (linux cant even get the name of it right) on a p133 with linux as the OS. I couldnt even get speeds over 1Mbit through it and my connect is over 3Mbit. Even the *BSDs arent as good as a real router in this regard but they still can beat this shit out of linux.

A doubt 486 with linux would be able to handle the full bandwidth of a dial-up.