Originally posted by Curtis@Apr 24, 2004 @ 01:09 AM
There seems to be some evidence that nVidia are fudging the benchmark figures with this card as they have done in the past with other cards. I'm not really sure how significant this is...
it is a beta driver
Originally posted by Donald E. Knuth
We should forget about small efficiencies, about 97% of the time. Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
Root of all evil or not, if they had PERFECT IQ but only so-so performance, they'd be torched.
Again, it is still an improvement, or have you not seen the FXs in action? They are far worse.
Originally posted by ExCyber@Apr 26, 2004 @ 07:12 AM
Yes, but if the IQ ends up visibly suffering for the sake of performance, they'll be torched too (cf. Voodoo3). Anyone can draw a crappy image fast. I suspect that the problem is that they haven't had time to optimize their driver properly, so they threw in a handful of ugly hacks to get "indicative" benchmark scores, or something along those lines, and that the problem will go away after a couple retail revisions if not sooner.
V3's 16-bit looks better than any other card's 16-bit except Kyro II's.
Originally posted by it290@Apr 28, 2004 @ 01:38 AM
V3's 16-bit looks better than any other card's 16-bit except Kyro II's.
Maybe so, but 3dfx stuck with 16-bit color/optimization for way too long...
Originally posted by it290@Apr 28, 2004 @ 11:59 PM
Yeah, but Q3A killed the Voodoo 3 for a lot of people. It actually runs the game pretty well, but I remember a lot of people bitching about it when the game was released (not that they had any right to-- I was running the game on a bloody ATi Rage Pro for a while!). The original GeForce came out about the same time as Q3, and that was one of the things that pretty much nailed the door on 3dfx's coffin, IMHO. It always pissed me off that games were still coming out after Q3 that were still optimized for Glide (mostly Unreal engine games, Deus Ex being one).
Originally posted by ExCyber@May 3, 2004 @ 02:20 AM
[cue OpenGL vs. DirectX flamefest]
Originally posted by it290@May 2, 2004 @ 06:38 PM
Because proprietary APIs suck, especially if they're hardware-specific.
When you get right down to it... (not bashing here!) DirectX technically isn't even an API because it only applies to Windows.
Where's my DirectX API for Solaris?