A million pants, but none fit me!

I never noticed the panty shot... the girl on the right (Connie) is HOT! Christina is cute, that pic isn't flattering for her either.

And I was just using this pic as its recent and with the few recent pics I have of myself this is one of my least flattering in looks wise. Girls wise, I can't help that... I'm always with em'.

Oh and they are not sisters.
Dude, you think you got it bad, I'm still wearing hammer pants. Most of my pants are more than 12 years old. I'm gonna have to start looking for new ones because I've had to start throwing some away due to being so threadbare.

Okay, when I say hammer pants, I mean that style cut, NOT the funky patterns and shit. I have jeans and regular pants, just extremely baggy with elastic waists and ankles.