Advanced PICO Beena new releases:)


Staff member
It's currently the latest sega console with a SD card player. Don't miss it 😉


Here are the new titles planed :

- Red Bean Bread Man Food persimmon set : 02/08/2007

- Ckkingbena - angle. ~ : 11/08/2007

- Yes!Pricua 5 Let's play and remember Hiragana : 30/08/2007
One step closer to releasing an actual gaming system. If that sells well I am sure they will get back into gaming systems prob for the next generation ie next next gen and not the current next gen 😛.
Maybe it's possible to make some homebrew 🙂 it would be easy to upload programs with the SD card reader.
Anyone have an idea of what ages it is intended for or how much it is? I have a daughter I would love to buy it for.
Kuta said:
Anyone have an idea of what ages it is intended for or how much it is? I have a daughter I would love to buy it for.

You're daughter would probably be the intended age group, assuming she is young.

I saw a "PICO" console by Sega quite a few years ago -- likely 10+, and it was intended for the pre-school set.