Alien Trilogy

This one has gotten me totally stumped! It SHOULD burn easy...It has one (US) ISO track and 13 audio tracks. But, no matter what I do, it won't work! The laser skips around likes it's looking for a paticular file, so it just hangs there...I don't even get to the SEGA screen. I even e-mailed the original uploader and got a copy of the cue file, but still the same result...

Has anybody been able to burn this correctly? If so, could you please share on how you accomplished it.
Perhaps you have a bad ISO? Perhaps it's a bad burn? What recording software did you use? Ask the original uploader if he had similar problems. Did you analyze the CD-R after it's been burned using IsoBuster, CD-R Diagnostic, or something to make sure the TOC looks correct? What method do you use to play the backup, swap or mod? Does your Saturn play other backups/originals okay? If not, then there may be a problem with your Saturn.
"Perhaps you have a bad ISO? "

It's possible, but how can you tell?

"Perhaps it's a bad burn? "

It was! So I did it again...this time I KNOW I burned it right. But, (using the swap method) I get to the SEGA screen and then the Saturn speeds up and slows down over and over agin, like it's searching for something and then it kicks me out.

"What recording software did you use?"

Fireburner...usually very reliable.

"Did you analyze the CD-R after it's been burned using IsoBuster, CD-R Diagnostic, or something to make sure the TOC looks correct? "

Yes...It seems fine. I even compared the files in CD Mage to make sure it burned fine. 0 errors.

"Does your Saturn play other backups/originals okay? "

Yes...It works perfectly on all my originals and back-ups.

I'll do as you recommend and ask the original uploader if he's had any problems. However, for whatever reason, this game has ALWAYS given me problems. This is not the first time I've tried burning this one. The last time I came across this ISO I had the same results. Thinking THAT iso was bad, I've been waiting until the game surfaced again on another FTP...kind of a bummer to find out the problem is with me...

Thanks for your time.
Isn't A_T an Acclaim game? Some of them need extra swapping. Batman and Ironman sometimes even crap out with my modboard. I've heard NBA Jam TE is like that too.
Yeah...It is an Acclaim game. What do you mean "extra swapping?" I've never heard of that...

BTW, I tried burning it in CDRWin at 1x with the original cue luck. Same result. HELP!

Mo Threat...THANKS! That was it...For whatever reason , the game searches for the security code twice! Now t works perfectly. Thanks again!
3rdman: AFAIK, you are the first and only one to have answered all of the questions from any of the replies to a tech help message. I congratulate you 🙂

BTW, Destruction Derby is another one of those games that requires extra swapping. Hmm, I think we should create a list of games that require extra swapping and append it to all of the swap faqs found on the Miscellaneous page. All agree, say AYE. All oppose, go away.
3rdMan [can I call you Harry Lime?] glad it worked out for you. They don't call them Ack!Lame! for no reason. 🙂

Akuma - I'm gonna say "aye" AND go away. Ha!
hmm.. I never had to swap twice with either of the games, when I didn't have a mod yet. both worked fine on the first try.
"3rdman: AFAIK, you are the first and only one to have answered all of the questions from any of the replies to a tech help message. I congratulate you "

LOL...What can I say? I'm persistent. 🙂 and I too vote yay.

"3rdMan [can I call you Harry Lime?] glad it worked out for you. They don't call them Ack!Lame! for no reason. "

I'm impressed that you know where my alias comes from! (Orson Welles has always been something of a hero to me) Kudos to you! Ack-Lame is right...did you know that Alien Trilogy is the ONLY Saturn title to use just ONE of the Saturn's two SH2 chips?(So I have been told...) How's that for quality contorol.