An idea for all Sega fans...

That would be pretty sweet ass. I think that we should work with Skank and Rev to just add a section here to SX. Not another site. I would like that even more than my own site. We just need to talk it over and decide when we start all this, who the reviewers are and stuff like that. I don't want it to just be a peer review system, those suck ass.
Originally posted by BJammzz@July 27 2002, 5:19 pm

That would be pretty sweet ass. I think that we should work with Skank and Rev to just add a section here to SX. Not another site. I would like that even more than my own site. We just need to talk it over and decide when we start all this, who the reviewers are and stuff like that. I don't want it to just be a peer review system, those suck ass.

Well what's up skank? Are you guys gunna start doing a review section with a grp of say 10 reviewers? I say make a grp for each category, sum ppl can be on more than one that way ppl can just stick to the reviews they excell in. Sum ppl can't judge good 16 bit graphics from bad ones. Sooooooo, what's up?
We're working on something big and thats all I'm going to say about it. Rev can add more if he wants but I will not at this time.
Any idea of when this big something is going to happen?

Other than when it's done, of course. :
I want a Sega Porn section. Live feeds of various sega chars havin sex. hehe, jk. I know all u hentai fans are drooling as I speak. Well, Rev, any *hints*? You can elaborate(sp¿) on more than just this topic of course. we want to know as much as we can about our beloved SX.