Another I'm building a computer topic

Another I'm building a computer topic

Umm...if you're having THAT many problems with your PC I would seriously look into finding out what is causing them. If you can't get the onboard audio to work then chances are you have other problems with the mobo as the audio is in the southbridge chip which also has alot of other things to keep in check. Like the hard drive controller, which may have been causing you problems with the installs.

If you can I would seriously get that board exchanged.
Another I'm building a computer topic

Originally posted by Alexvrb@Nov 10, 2003 @ 02:05 AM

I still don't know why you had to resort to using Win98. That's pretty messed up... it'd be nice if you could get XP running on that. Are you sure the onboard is enabled in the BIOS? It seems like a waste to not be able to use the Soundstorm 🙁

I got Windows XP, everything works now. (except the USB, but I don't want to start getting greedy)
Another I'm building a computer topic

What rabbit said. So the latest Nforce2 drivers install and work properly now? How do you like your new rig? I'm especially interested in how that case worked out. The HDD mounting bays looked nice, like they leave a lot of room for the drives and cooling.
Another I'm building a computer topic

XP doesn't support USB 2.0, except with SP1 installed. You can probably get the patch seperately though.

Not having SP1 installed shouldn't affect the USB ports, though. They will just operate at USB1 speeds.
Another I'm building a computer topic

well Rabbit, you should be able to take apart that drive somehow to get the disc out.

I had an attempt to steal my CD deck in my car. The people we amatures and just messed everything up. The only thing they got away with was the faceplate (I was dumb and never took it off).

Anyway, I had a library CD in there. I really didn't want to have to pay the hefty replacement fee, so I had to take the player apart. The people at Best Buy (where I bought the player) were really cool and helped me take it apart carefully.
Another I'm building a computer topic

the problem is the disc came out, still spinning, but got caught while it did it. Basically nuked the outer quarter of the cd.