another sonic homebrew for saturn ?


Staff member
not really new but didn't notice it before :

vbt said:
not really new but didn't notice it before :



Yes. In fact, there is two project.

First, I'm working on a new video game engine for the Sega Saturn.
This engine will be release in december 2014 under the MIT licence.

The second project is a new Sonic which depends on the first project.

Here is a newer video:

It looks great, and it's cool that you are still working on it !

Does your game engine uses SBL/SGL ? Or is it sega library free ?
Please let us know when your library will be available :)
Hi cafe-alpha,

Yes, I use the SEGA Basic Library.
The objective is to provide an engine easy to use which doesn't required to have special knowledge about the hardware environment :smiling:

Clearly, the engine won't be (in theory) the fastest or the smallest, but it will allow any C developer to make a game (not necessarily a Sonic) very easily.

I'll post the link on the forum as soon as the website is up.
johannes, i'm happy to see your engine is still in progress. the video is looking really promising.
Parallax and alpha blending looks amazing ! And not using SGL is a good point too.
I hope this will contribute to create more Saturn homebrew games :)
hi, great job johannes, i will compile everything, why don't you provide ready to use isos?
Thanks vbt :)

The website is dedictated to the engine (which is not a sonic game engine but a generic game engine for the SS) but I'll create another one for the Sonic Game (I'll provide an iso).

Btw, I added an new map editor and new samples here:
This engine is really cool! Tnx for the hard work Johannes :). Effects like alpha blending used on ps1 is hard to add ?
Hi vbt,

Don't hesitate to email me if you have any problem.
The engine isn't finished yet, but the basic things should works.
New update available with 2 new demos for jo_printf() and advanced animation:



I pushed a new version with a paint demo and many features for the VDP2.


I'm working now to add a mode7 feature on the engine.


here comes a new challenger :)
nice line scroll, i was hoping for a up/down too, maybe next time ;) good job !