anyone else tired of

all those commercials for selling ring tones and wallpapers for your cell phones? also i noticed everyone is jumping on the selling things for your cell comedy central for 3.99 a month is selling jokes of the day sent to your cell phone. but i hate that fucking annoying frog commercial where the cartoon frog(that has a penis if you look) makes motorcycle noises. i think they stopped playing it but i could be wrong(maybe because it had a penis).
yeah, it costs just as much a month for internet on your phone then it does for dial up on your comp. And your phone dls at like 1/9 trillionth of a byte per hour! (exaggerating of course... its something like 8.9 baud i think... but then ive been having brain farts all week, i though 34F was the freezing point in IRC. GAH, i need to get back into school, the booz is getting to me)
Wow thats eerie, I was just going to post on this, after seeing about 5 dozen commercials on this in what seemed like on afternoon, sheesh. I mean I know they are trying to get paid and make a name for themselves but crap. And whats more discerning, is that they are probably getting/developing a huge following with some of the "idiotic young "hip-hop" america -- crowd. I mean the ring tones and graphics (imo) are garbage, and wouldn't be worth two cents, but these commercials are EVERYWHERE.. enough is enough.
Aaaawwww, you don't want the "official P.I.M.P. logo" on your phone? Or Sir Mix-A-Lot singing for your ring-tone?

Ugh. I watched about 18 hours of USA's 24 hour Monk marathon over new-year's. The ads, they kept showing the same three ads over and over. The cell phone junk ones were two of them. (I'm not counting the fact that they showed the same two ads for Monk season 3 starting later this month at the beginning and end of each ad break as well, and for Monk season 2 on DVD in the middle of every other ad break.)
I've got a data cable for my phone, lets me put ringtones and pictures on it myself. Internet speed on your phone really depends on your cell provider. Sprint and verizon are both quite a bit faster than 56K dialup, while others like ATT (atleast before they merged with cingular who had faster service) were quite a bit slower than dialup.
Ugh. I watched about 18 hours of USA's 24 hour Monk marathon over new-year's.

Dude, if you're watching that much TV, you have no right to be bitching about commercials.
^^^ LOL... yeah but no one should be subjected to these crappy commercials.. these are so annoying.
eh untill some angyr mom notices it wont be corrected or taken off i say somebody tip off some angry mom group about the commercial. (possibly look up some crazy christian mom group and email them about the commercial say something like "i can't believe what i saw the other day on tv blah blah blah what if my innocent child saw this commerical he/she(your choice) could be scared by the nude image of a bad ass annoying as fuck computer generated frog).
Originally posted by joe81@Fri, 2005-01-07 @ 03:24 AM

all those commercials for selling ring tones and wallpapers for your cell phones? also i noticed everyone is jumping on the selling things for your cell comedy central for 3.99 a month is selling jokes of the day sent to your cell phone. but i hate that fucking annoying frog commercial where the cartoon frog(that has a penis if you look) makes motorcycle noises. i think they stopped playing it but i could be wrong(maybe because it had a penis).

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I couldn't frickin' agree with you more, actually.