April fools have started


Staff member

The console could feature an HDMI port, 160gig hard drive and will upscale DVD to 1080i.

Sega is Back, Baby :

Sega Corp. today revealed details of their plan to reenter the videogame console hardware business which they dropped over 6 years ago. Sega have said that due to recent financial stability found in the dropping of hardware and moving exclusively toward the software side of gaming, they have reached a point where they are solid enough to give it “one last go”.
If only that was true... I would be maxing out my credit card pre-ordering one. Sega knows it still has a fan base out there and knowns ppl will buy the system. The longer they wait and the longer they put out crap games, the more of that fan base they lose. Heck, I would even buy a dreamcast v2 even the only difference was that it was smaller.