Are You Interested in a Saturn Modchip?


Established Member
Sega Saturn Mod Chip - $12.95 each!

In case you don't know, will allow you to play backups on your console and the installation is quite easy.

Each chip will be $12.95

Worldwide shipping is $3.50 per order

Your order will be shipped the next business day via First Class Mail (US) or International Air-Mail. If you need extra-fast delivery and/or insurance, please contact me.

If you are interested, you can go ahead and email me
Count me in, with a little more information. what kind of modchips are they and what system mod can they work for.
Where are you buying the modchips? I've looked @ lik-sang and lan-kwei, 2 sites I bought em from before, but both seem to have dropped em...
Yes, I too am interested. I'm new to the board, used to play Virtua Fighter games for hours with a buncha friends ... and now I'm picking upa coupla used Saturns to play with my kids.

If anyone can give me a heads up good games to pick up, or addons to consider (Action Replay sounds kinda slick), please point me in the right direction. I'd appreciate it.


Originally posted by racketboy@Sun, 2004-10-31 @ 03:03 PM

I want to see how many people would be interested in a Saturn Modchip for $17 priority shipped in the US.

I'm thinking about buying a handful of them from overseas and wanted to see what the market was like.

Lemme know.

[post=122153]Quoted post[/post]​

i'm interested...but live in spain.,...some solutiion???

International wouldn't be a problem, but shipping would slightly add to the price.

And BTW, I'm pretty sure these will only work with Model 2s.

As soon as I scrape up some extra cash, I'll be ordering a bunch.