Australian Region Code?


Established Member

Sorry to ask a newbie question like this, but I'm having some trouble getting a copy of Sega Ages to work. I'm pretty sure the burn is fine, and I know I can do the swap trick right. Currently, I am using the "K" - Asia Pal region setting in Satconv - is this right?

Hehe - yeah, after I posted that thread I went back, burnt a few more coasters and finaly figured that out. In a rather lame attempt to justify why I asked that question, I'll say this.

A little while ago I was messing around with SSF (the saturn emu) using the Euro rom set. The only thing I could get it to do was say "Game disc not suitable for this system" - so I assumed Euro != Oz. I guessed Asia simple because Australia often gets put in with other strange regions. It is sometimes called Australasia afterall.

Thanks anyways.
You'd be suprised how often our politicians debate whether we are a European nation or an Asian one.
I would say European, most Australians probably aren't of the Asian race, right? :) But I guess you can't use that in an actual argument, considering that Hong Kong was British property for the longest time...
Quote: from RadSil on 7:00 pm on Sep. 27, 2001

I would say European, most Australians probably aren't of the Asian race, right?

Actually, that would depend on where you live...
Hmm... last time I checked, Australia was considered to be it's own continent. Have any of these people explained why it needs to be subordinate to another one? :).
It's not so much a subordination thing.

It's more of a national identity thing. Australia used to be closely tied to the UK but post WW II and the fall of the Empire (so on and so forth) I don't think we really know where we fit in.

Since post war mass immigration from many, many countries around the world, we're no longer just a white anglo saxon protestant nation. This change of ethnic diversity and changing world trade relations have made many Australians wonder where we fit in the world.

Just don't ask us about our refugee policies...