Best Way To Clean Controllers


Established Member
Hey all,

I have a boatload of controllers that I've amassed over the years. Most of them were bought used off of Ebay and have sat in a bag for nearly 2 years. Anybody know of a good cleaner to use to clean the controllers throughly?

Thanks in advance.
Yes, I was wondering the same thing. In the past I have always used rubbing alcohol & q-tips. I can't believe how much gunk get's inside.I have a game gear that I want to take apart and fix up. If there is a better method I definitely have to know. :cool:
Take your controllers apart and clean them with warm water. I use an old toothbrush to get into all the tough spots, no need for soap or solvents. Controllers work like new after a good cleaning!

Sure beats pissing around with Q-Tips!
If you guys were Down Under I'd recommend Eucalyptus Oil.

It shifts all sorts of crap. It also leaves you with clear sinuses. :thumbs-up: