Staff member
This is a 100% translation from Chinese to English. The whole
game has gone through a huge process to get where it is now, including in order:
-Disassembly and reassembly of the WHOLE game code
-Insertion of 3 new fonts. One for dialogs and menus, a smaller one for
items and magic, and a separate one for the intro text.
-Completely working new VWF
-Code modifications of the dialog, intro, shops, inns and battle text routines
-Modified text windows
-Modified Z80 code
-Insertion of new title screen
The most common circulating dump of the game, which can be found in the GoodGen set, has a bug that
prevents the DAC drum channel from playing correctly. This translation was built off
of a fixed version that has been ciculating throughout Chinese sites for awhile, so
patching it on the common dump found on the net will not only translate it, but will also
fix that glitch.
Source : http://www.romhacking.net/trans/1467