Broken dreamcast?

Connectix had their asses kicked because they used the PSX BIOS. That is a BIG TIME ILLEGAL THING! You can't do that. It wa shidden in their program EXE. That's why VGS ran so much more thna Bleem!, they were using copyrighted Sony shit.

Bleem! reverse-engineered everything themselves and documented it. Wrote all their stuff fromt he ground up with no help from sony employees or Trade Secret Information ™. That's why Bleem! never lost to Sony. Sony pulled a trick pretty close to double jeopardy to sue Bleem! again and again. They knew Bleem! was a small operation and would eventually run out of money to defend themselves and that's exactly what happened.

Randy and the rest of them never made any $$$ off Bleem!, all the money they got went right back into fueling the pointless legal battle.

Also, no, you just have to hook up the chip and read int he data from it to dump a BIOS. It's not really that complicated if you know the info on the kind of EEPROM it's stored on.
The only case Bleem lost, was in regards to copy protection. The original release of Bleem used Sony's copy protection techniques. That is why the original release of Bleem was difficult to run copied games on. Bleem simply included it to help Sony fight burning. Bleem lost, and quite using the technique. That is why it's cake to run copied games on Bleem now.
Connectix had their asses kicked because they used the PSX BIOS. That is a BIG TIME ILLEGAL THING! You can't do that. It wa shidden in their program EXE. That's why VGS ran so much more thna Bleem!, they were using copyrighted Sony shit.

Actually, the preliminary injunction against Connectix was reversed on appeal, and IIRC the rights to VGS were later bought by Sony as part of an out-of-court settlement. VGS doesn't, to my knowledge, contain Sony code. If it did, Sony probably would have brought that up in the case, but the opinion from the court of appeals states that VGS does not contain Sony code. The legal question was whether or not the copies of the BIOS Connectix made in order to reverse-engineer it were infringing.
to bring this back to the original point of the post, i found when i took my dc apart today that if you put some grease on the gears/worm drive and laser sled of the dc's laser unit, it greately reduced the grinding sound you usually get with the dc, i only took mine apart because it started sqeuaking whenever it was loading a couple of days ago, but the grease has cured both noises

just something you might want to consider if you happen to be irritated/worried by the amount of noise it makes, although every dc ive seen is pretty noisy normally when its seeking even brand new, so its not a case of it wearing or anything (mine now sounds quieter than when it was new anyway)