Controller released

wow. my first thought was "wow, thats gonna suck" but then i read the whole article and gave it a little more thought, and I'm really excited about it. The only thing I'm a little worried about is controlling classic SNES, n64, and gamecube games with it. I'm pretty confident the big n will figure it out though.
ugh... i hope this is fake. please let this be fake.

not a single room in my house is set up to use a controler like that. that's why my old powerglove has sat untouched for fifteen years. there's no room to move to control it, plus my big tv is much too low compared to where I sit to have a control centered to the screen. my little tv is much too high (its above my computer moniter), but could maybe work... of course, it's a 22 year old 13" model with those screw-on antenna adapters, so the screen quality is less than coax-RF.
I don't know what they're "smocking" but I'm sure it really doesn't matter. This thing looks pretty sweet, but they're gonna have to do something more to make it compatable with fighting games. there's not enough buttons on the damn thing, not nearly enough. And this thing will definately not work for a SNES or GC game, no way jose.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was only a tech demo, manufactured for the sole purpose of showing off it's mechanics. I hope they go back to the drawing board for this.

I love the functionality and all the cool stuff it does.

I don't think it would be too much work to design and manufacture a peripheral that worked sorta like a multitap, except that instead of allowing for multiple people to use one controller socket it would allow the use of various controllers.. like an adapter. That'd be the way to go when playing the classic games.

In the end, I just got one question for nintendo... how the hell am I supposed to play Soul Calibur II with that thing?
This controller has sparked quite a few heated discussions over the interweb, hasn't it? :)

Anyways, my 2c - I don't like the design of both the arcade "joystick/ buttons", and the console controller (with "d-pad and buttons"). This new controller is no exception, though I'm not going to discriminate against Nintendo all because they like doing what they want to do.
If I were working for Nintendo's marketing department, I'd propose the idea of my "Old School Controller Adapter". I mean, they could make money off of that and off of brand new old console controllers. I mean, isn't Nintendo in the business of making up silly peripherals just to make more money? I honestly don't see how anyone could play a fighting game with this controller. I think it'll be a big turn-off for the major 3rd party developers.

The console was so badass, everything looked like it was gonna kick sony's and microsoft's butts, but now... when the reveal the controller, something we always assume is gonna be usable, they come out with something completely radical and almost unusable in some major game genre's.

Anyway, let's just wait things out and see how everything goes. Nintendo's still got time to unveil new stuff.

EDIT: The answer to all my complaints.
thank you nintendo... you now own the universe!!!

EDIT2: Yes, that is official. For once IGN pulls through with the goods.

EDIT3: Black_Dog, remember to read the full article before celebrating. Ok, so maybe that pic isn't exactly what it's gonna look like and maybe it's just an IGN mock-up, but still... it proves the point it's trying to make. Nintendo has announced that they will produce a product that does just what that thing in the picture does.

EDIT4: Nintendo is also "Hoping" for a fully playable version of the Revolution by E3 next year... great, I guess that means the system ain't comin out til Christmas of '06 >.<... eh, that's my guess anyway. Nintendo isn't confirming any dates other than the fact that it definitely WON'T be out this year.
Relax guys these are just protos also you could attach it to an add-on:


And you get a crazy GC controller with motion sensors, personally I like the prototype in that pdf I posted better you could attach and arrange the diff parts to meet the different Nintendo past controllers.

Also you need to see the videos :!: and read the actual text description of the Revo controller I'm sold great stuff the possibilities are endless and its not like every 3rd party company has to use the special features.

EDIT: Playing slash'm'up or a jedi game with the Revo "remote controller" game pad(s) seems like crazy fun to me.
ok, I like that last pic, gives solid possability. I do with we could get a sumwhat standard 4 button layout though. Would be premo for SNES games. The GCN controller is alright to play n64 games on but to play a SNES game on it would blow.

PS, and get a decent D-pad that's worth havin on there nintendo!
You'll also be able to use GC pads I wonder if Revo games will be able to use them, overall what a mess , add-ons, remote controllers for gamepads, analogue placenta's it will scare eveybody off! This would be a nice acessory but not the official gamepad, lets wait and see what they end up with.
I just smell Virtual Boy....well ok, not that bad, lol. but a flop is that's the final, end-all controllers. I do like the color scheme of it though, but we all know how nintendo likes to release cool looking stuff before the machine launches then likes to put barney-purple on everything *sigh*. That white/cool blue owns!

I would really like to see a controller that is wireless (wavebird cept w/ rumble feature...if logitech can do it and maintain battery life, so can the big N), has different "button sets" (meaning I could give the pad a 6-button layout, the snes 4-button, or even a nice nes style 2 button, of course the 4 button snes layout would work just fine w/ this though, no need for the extra 2 button), a d-pad that is worth a shit (c'mon, we're gunna be playin all the oldschool 2D games! we need a solid d-pad! perhaps something similar to saturns? hmmm? we cna only hope), and a way to switch the d-pad and stick, so I can have the stick and d-pad where they are on the GCN, or switch em, either or. and last but certaintly not least, keep the feel of the GCN controller the same, I can hold that damned thing for 10+hrs and not a single hand-cramp, the feel is just unmatched!

I know this is a lot to ask for, but the button-layout thing and the improved wireless (wavebird+rumble w/ the same or better battery life...maybe an auto turn off feature if it sits for twenty minutes untouched? or say, when the GCN turns off! then auto turn on when it boots up!? wicked sick! lol) should be easy enough to do. Also an upgrade in the d-pad would be very easy too. It really wouldn't be hard to improve in this area, lol.