Converting tokimeki memorial

Yo, err, how do I convert Toki Meki Memorial to Euro format and write it? I mean, I know I put up the post about my CD unit being broken, but if no one can help, I'm gonna buy another Sega Saturn and subject that to the horrors of swapping.

Okay, about converting.

CDRWin and other such software like it, can't write 2 data track games, well, copy them to iso, then back to cd after converting. The only software I could make straight copies of these games with, were CloneCD and Discjuggler, anyhelp?
You can convert an iso or bin file to different regions using Satconv (DOS or Win32).

CDRWin can burn dual data track games, I've done so on many an occaision.

What problems is it giving you?
What version of CDRWin did you use, because when I converted ThunderForce Gold Pack 2, I had to lose the second track.

Note, I use those converter tools you mentioned and my writer is a HP 9100 series.
I use CDRWin 3.8D.

I don't know that the version you use would make much difference really. There seems to be a recent trend of people's burners not liking dual data track games. ???
I used 3.5 and I don't personally like CDRWin anyway, I heard there was a saturn country code changer that worked with discjuggler files, called satheader or something?
Kay, I have managed to get it onto my hardrive in CDRWin cue ad bin format using Blind Write Suit, I succesfully converted it, but when I wrote it, it didn't work, in fact, I have used many different types of software and each time I get (Disc Unsuitable for System) on my Saturn screen, I even just ripped the first track and tried that one, it didn't work, at all (same error). Any help, as no matter what I do, I can't get it to play (and I am NOT going to country switch my saturn, my saturn is messesed as it is.)