

Established Member
Not that I'm a depressive guy, myself, but I just got back from a decompression party and found myself feeling a little disillusioned and what not. So here's a silly little poem for you all:

Human structures

built to house us,

to contain us,

our pitiful selves

as we live, dominated

by the tyranny

of each other

our friends

our 'associates'

each person

plotting a course

charting a graph

on the floor

making a mess

you can see the sorrow

and the exuberance

shall we make that pretense?


and no, it's done

how sad to see

when you can't see your face

once again, my sincerest apologies. I just don't know what to think about human behavior these days, especially considering the fact that I'm posting this on a video game forum. 😉
i like it... i just wrote a poem too, but im not gonna waste the space to post it. WOW, i finally refrained from irritating you all. the 12 step program is working!
Originally posted by it290@Oct 24, 2004 @ 05:10 AM

Not that I'm a depressive guy, myself, but I just got back from a decompression party and found myself feeling a little disillusioned and what not.

Originally posted by lordofduct@Oct 24, 2004 @ 08:57 AM

i like it... i just wrote a poem too, but im not gonna waste the space to post it. WOW, i finally refrained from irritating you all. the 12 step program is working!

Heh... I thought that's what my site was for.

Just got caught up in thinking about how you can be having fun and be bored at the same time, how events external to oneself and the perceptions of others can have a great effect on one's own perceptions, and how this type of event embodies a lot of contradictions... it's strange to see an overarching motivation of conformity amongst a bunch of self-professed outcasts and weirdos.

The thing is, I should have been having more fun at the party, because it was a great party, and just to my taste, and I was having fun, but at the same time I had a nagging feeling that all was not nearly as real as it could be. That's just referring to myself, but on the social level, I guess there is a sense of isolationism unique to geeks and nerds, even the cool ones, heh. 😉 ... Just a weird vibe, I wasn't feeling much sense of community, although it was certainly present to some extent.
Being able to really connect with people, to be like family, is difficult for me. I only am really like that with my close friends. "Somewhere I belong" or if you prefer "Where everyboody knows your name"
Hmm.. yeah, I'm not really talking about some type of deep connection or anything like that, nor would I expect anything of the sort - I just felt like it was a bit too much of a charade (appropriately, I guess, since it was a costume party).
Nah, I wouldn't expect that. You just had me thinkin. Anyway, maybe you were thinking too much yourself. Just have fun while you can, and janx, right?