disc swapping hell

Originally posted by moving_terror@May 9, 2003 @ 03:52 AM

oh well, I finally got a burned game to work last night.

So what did you do differently to make it work?
it seems as though that every iso I burn turns out perfect, but when I try to burn bin and cue I get "game disc unsuitable for system". What can I do to correct this?

You mean... you are unable to patch bin+cue rips... are those bin's in RAW mode?

The only logical answer I can find, is that your burner is writing the image correctly to the cd...

Satconv, patches the first sector, but doesn't 'fix' the ECC/EDC codes accordingly, so in the burning process the sector is 'rebuilt' and the previous country code is restored...

Try using binchunker to convert those bin+cue images to iso (2048) and wav files, then patch that iso file and burn the iso+wav set.