Doom3/Unreal2 Parody

you think a 9700pro would run it in it's full glory or would a 9800 (norm, pro or xt) be needed to get the job done?
Originally posted by Des-ROW+Dec 8, 2003 @ 02:01 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Des-ROW @ Dec 8, 2003 @ 02:01 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-it290@Dec 7, 2003 @ 10:13 PM

Pssht. Silent Hill 2? Uh, no. SH2's lighting model is at least an order of magnitude less advanced than Doom 3's.

Ok, maybe not Silent Hill 2, but Silent Hill 3. [/b][/quote]

Silent Hill 3 doesn't use a fully global lighting model.

IIRC only the flashlight casts stencil shadows, everything else is shadow maps with new techniques to fade them when the flashlight hits them.

And from what I hear, SH3 runs like absolute mind-blowing crap on PC, making its engine highly useless from a PC perspective.
I think a 9700 pro will probably be well and good, but only time will tell. Originally the game was targeted at cards that are rather old by now, but id has a tendency of releasing stuff that only runs well at maximum on the top of the line cards. Not to mention Carmack has said that we'll probably never see framerates like we're used to with Q3. However, my 9500 pro runs the alpha at a fair, if slightly chugging framrate, so I'm sure anything higher than that will be fine for the final.

And Tagrineth, SH3 runs well on my system, and I usually run it @ 1024 with 4x anti and aniso turned on. It does lag once and a while but I think that's due to buffering or something, or maybe its the fault of some background process- only seems to occur during HD access.
Yeah, that's a good point. I take it to mean that Retroborg thinks the Doom 3/Unreal 2 saga has turned into a 'parody' (ok, more of a 'farce' perhaps). I never played Unreal 2.. it looked pretty bad from what I saw of it (nice graphics though).