Dracula X..

I got Dracula X ISO for SEGA Saturn.

It consists of:




The Cue sheet:


TRACK 01 MODE1/2352

INDEX 01 00:00:00


PREGAP 00:02:00

INDEX 01 45:30:63

The cue doesn't specify an audio track and it's not included with the *.bin & cue files.

Is this cue sheet right? It looks different from the usual sheets, which I've come across:

FILE "Metal Slug (J).iso" BINARY

TRACK 01 MODE1/2048

INDEX 01 00:00:00

FILE "Track 02.mp3" MP3


PREGAP 00:02:00

INDEX 01 00:00:00


Why is it:

TRACK 01 MODE1/2352 ?

And not:

TRACK 01 MODE1/2048 ?

What's the best program to burn this compilation?

I use NERO to burn ISO+mp3 and cue sheets generated by SEGA cue maker.

Will Nero work?
yes nero will work. The reason it's 2352 and not 2048 is just how the cd was ripped. I don't know a lot about the subject, but I do know that when all the tracks to a cd are included in a single bin file instead of being as seperate mp3 files or wave files, it'll be 2352 instead of 2048. I usually use cdrwin for bin/cue but as I said, nero should work no problem.
Yes, indeed.

.bin usually indicates that any audio tracks are still IN WITH the data track, as one file, uncompressed.

.iso usually indicates a data track that has been split from other tracks on the CD.
Originally posted by Scared0o0Rabbit@Jan 14, 2004 @ 01:21 AM

but I do know that when all the tracks to a cd are included in a single bin file instead of being as seperate mp3 files or wave files, it'll be 2352 instead of 2048.

If you're ripping with cdrwin (for example..) and you de-select RAW mode when ripping, you'll end up with a bin file, that has the datatrack in cooked mode (2048 for mode1, 2336 for mode2) and audiotracks at 2352 (there is no "cooked form" for audiotracks).

I burned the game using NERO and worked fine.

I've read that the Saturn version, has more sections to explore than the PSX version. What's the best suitable character, to explore every place in the castle?





Maria & Richter don't even have an inventory.
I think Mario would be the best due to his jumpin' skills and fire flower power up abilities. Plus, he can just leap on the skeletons, crumbling them into a pile of dust.
maria and richter are harder than alucard if memory serves. There are some good faq's on gamefaqs that describe how to get to the other areas.
If you've played through the PS1 version before, try Maria out. Look up her spells online, try GameFAQs. ^_^;

The new areas are really small, not really that significant... but there are other things that are nice on the Saturn version, like the controller. ^_^;