Dragon Ball Z


Established Member
Do any of you know of a good place where i can get most of the episodes of Dragon Ball Z on dvd in english? Currently I know of all episodes up to the Majin Bu Saga.
Yeah but the US releases are usually edited, and the DVDs that DO have the 2 versions, US and "Uncut Japanese", only have 3 episodes, rather than 6. That blows.

My friend and I are in the process of downloading every episode in Japanese, with english subtitles, in DVD quality DivX rips. We have about 75% of the episodes. The ones really hard to find are the very first saga, Arrival, as its called in the US, and some of the Saiyajin Series (vegita and nappa)
Originally posted by PUNJABEE@Nov. 17 2002, 5:30 pm

Yeah but the US releases are usually edited, and the DVDs that DO have the 2 versions, US and "Uncut Japanese", only have 3 episodes, rather than 6. That blows.

My friend and I are in the process of downloading every episode in Japanese, with english subtitles, in DVD quality DivX rips. We have about 75% of the episodes. The ones really hard to find are the very first saga, Arrival, as its called in the US, and some of the Saiyajin Series (vegita and nappa)

Doesnt that sucks? I hate the Anime that comes to the US.

They lose a lot of the values that made them funny and awesome in Japan. In the US, they remove nudity scenes, or other odd scenes... The US can be soooo prude sometimes...

I try to get my Anime from Japan with English subtitles.. Atleast I see the real thing, and not some edited crappy version with crappy actors.
Originally posted by PUNJABEE@Nov. 17 2002, 5:30 pm

Yeah but the US releases are usually edited, and the DVDs that DO have the 2 versions, US and "Uncut Japanese", only have 3 episodes, rather than 6. That blows.

My friend and I are in the process of downloading every episode in Japanese, with english subtitles, in DVD quality DivX rips. We have about 75% of the episodes. The ones really hard to find are the very first saga, Arrival, as its called in the US, and some of the Saiyajin Series (vegita and nappa)

Do you have all of the episodes for the first one? Dragonball?
yea lyzel i think more than half of anime fans feel the same way you do - i know i do - especialy when they change the story around

what i usualy do is get fan subs or borow fan subs and then when the us release comes out compare them -- i used to know a guy that did fan subbing - a chinese guy who spoke japanese and english very well - he had no accent when speaking in english - well anyways there were many times where he say "they translated that wrong" or " they changed the lines" -- mostly stayed quiet during fansubs and older animego subbs- so basicaly i base it on that - he pointed out some groups to stay away from (fansubbers ) - have seen him in a long time so i dont know whos good or not anymore
in Japan when Buu kills Babidi, he punches his head off and blows him up.

in American we see Buu punch Babidi, then all of a sudden see him blow up headless.
Lyzel, sorry I never answered you, I rarely check this part of the forums.

Anyway, no, we are only downloading DBZ. We have all of GT, but they aren't as good in quality. They are the Super5 rips, they are pretty good, but they look like crap compared to the good stuff we have. We dont really have an interest in Dragonball. Ive seen a few eps, and I just cant get into it, but thats just me.

We still have only about 80% of the series. Its getting harder to find servers on DALNet that are reliable. And DALNet doesnt help by sucking most of the time.