DS Rumour


Staff member
EB Games has been advertising on thier website that the Nintendo DS will be selling for $200 and will hit us Nov 29th. They also state that there will be 16 titles for it and they will retail for $50 each.

Rumour only guys and gals so don't fret yet.

Thanks to The Register for the news.
I heard about this too, sounds good.

But $200 is already too high for the DS, and $50 for the games? In-FUDGING-Sane. Thats too rich for my blood. We already pay $50 for GameCube games. Why pay more?
probably for early adopters.
will most likely get a little more reasonable middle of next year.
they also don't want to kill off the GBA
Have you checked what they are showing the PSP for?? Those games are also listed at $49.99. And i'm guessing that will easily be over $200
I can see 40 bucks....but 50 is too much. and if they can make the system 150 bucks w/ 40 dollar games, then it'll survive...if not, I doubt it'll last long.
I say 130 to 150 when it drops.
200 hundred is up there, but if it's good, then I'll still buy it.

I wonder what the life-span for the batteries are since it'll now have to power 2 screens... :unsure: