Email virus

I keep getting emails with viruses sent to me.

i didnt have a clue where they were coming from until today, when the idiot sent me a email with a virus from their collage account

(which happens to be down the road from me).

I now know that he/she is the person thats been sending all the emails because the way the emails are written are kinda all the same and he/she uses the same viruses.

this person is sending it to the website i do for a night club and my email address.

What can i do? is their a way to report this in the uk? maybe get this little shit kicked outta collage? or just run down to the collage and nut the shit outta all of the collahe kids, bastards. I really wanna find out who and why, because i have all my uni work storied on this computer and if it was to screw up i'd be screwed.
Id report it to the college. Most schools have very stirict rules concerning the uses of university computers. I know in my school if such a thing was going on they would check the logs and if it turned out to be true then the student could and would most liklely face expulsion
Are you sure it's someone purposefully sending you viruses and not some infected computer that just happens to have your address stored somewhere (address book, browser cache etc.).

The easiest solution is to not use Outlook or Outlook Express and not running every attachment you get sent. These two simple rules ensure you never have to worry about viruses transmitted through e-mail.
Report it to the college, I had 3 viruses sent to me from a student at the Kings College (London) it turned out to be one of those worms that sends itself to random people (it was one of those hugely spread viruses and there was even a report on the bbc news about it, can't remember exact name).

It may just be somethin' like that but your best letting the college know ASAP, the IT folk there will probably be quick to deal with it
I've gotten 4 of the same type message for different people that looks like a virus. In fact, the message says "Virus Found in Message, 'Oh my God'"
I especially love it when they tell you that you've got a virus and to "click here" to get rid of it. Crap like that.