Emulation section added !!!!

Nestopia 1.35 added



- Memory pool select for sound buffers.
- Famicom and NES four player adapter select in menu.
- More cartridge info in image file dialog.


- Better sound synchronization.
- Launcher fixes and improvements.
- Workaround for bugs in E-MU sound drivers.
- Workaround for bug in :😀3DXSaveSurfaceToFile() using D3DXIFF_BMP.
- MBC strings now passed in netplay chat.
- Aspect ratio option now preserved on ALT+S in fullscreen mode.
- VSync now disabled by default.


- Settings for compressed palette and FDS BIOS files now properly saved on exit.
- AVISTREAMINFO::fccHandler.
- Relative paths in Paths dialog.



- Preliminary support for NES 2.0 file headers.
- R.O.B / Famicom Robot peripheral support.
- Mapper 14, 196, 214 and 169 (partially). Info from Ca4He3.
- Mapper 171 (KAISER KS7058) for "Tui Do Woo Ma Jeung".
- Mapper 172 (IDEA-TEK CNROM +SECURITY) for "1991 Du Ma Racing" (unaltered version).
- Database entries.


- PAL APU noise channel rates and frame sequencer steps. Info from Blargg.
- Emphasis color calculations on user palettes.
- Better board type detection for several mappers, particulary 1 and 4.
- Board names. Info from Pongbashi.
- Removed worthless mapper 100.
- Refactoring.


- Mapper 12 to use MMC3A revision. Fixes "Dragon Ball Z 5".
- Mapper 15, 147 and 222. Info from CaH4e3.
- Mapper 99, PRG-ROM bank switching. Fixes "VS Gumshoe".
- Mapper 115 and moved "Bao Qing Tian" to it.
- Mapper 156. Fixes "Ko Ko Eo Deu Ben Ce" and "Metal Force".
- Mapper 163. Info from CaH4e3 and tpu.
- Mapper 230. Fixes "Contra" in "22-in-1".
- Mapper 232. Fixes the Quattro games.
- Right mouse button for light gun firing off-screen.
- Minor sound volume control bug.
- AbsX 3-byte NOP instruction timing.
- Database entries.
That's some very nice updates, I think it's safe to say that's currently the best NES emulator. I'm only curious about Wii vc emulation, I hope the 8 and 16 bit emulators run in low-res or at least emulate scanlines.
Pyrite said:
That's some very nice updates, I think it's safe to say that's currently the best NES emulator. I'm only curious about Wii vc emulation, I hope the 8 and 16 bit emulators run in low-res or at least emulate scanlines.

For sure it's the best NES emu, about the VC emulation we will see maybe someone here has alread bought VC games.
Nestopia 1.36 is out.


- Joystick calibrate button in the input dialog.


- Now possible to make save states (slots only) during netplay.
- Some error messages more descriptive.
- Log file now enabled by default.
- Lazy loading of some resources, notably the launcher file database.
- Various aesthetic GUI fixes and improvements.
- Refactoring.


- Lightgun trigger no longer registered if screen is occluded by a window.
- Various things, subtle and not-so-subtle.



- Power Glove peripheral support.
- Mapper 38, 108 and 173. Info from Ca4He3.
- UNIF boards: TF1201, KS7038 and GS-2004. Info from Ca4He3.
- Mapper 150 reset-triggered DIP switch toggling.
- Database entries.


- Speed optimizations (NO accuracy trade-off).
- blargg's nes_ntsc updated to version 0.2.2.
- HSB/RGB calculation method.
- 8bit video mode rendering removed.
- 2xSaI filters removed. Use hqx or ScaleX instead.
- Even stricter ANSI/ISO compliance.
- More compiler options and detections through the preprocessor. Refer
to "NstApiConfig.hpp" as starting point for porting work.
- Board names. Info from Pongbashi.
- Refactoring.


- Mapper 234.
- Mapper 242. Fixes "Dragon Quest VIII (Ch)".
- Database entries.
- Various things, subtle and not-so-subtle.
no$gba 2.4 added

- gba/undoc/help: added newly discovered wram-disable bits (4000800h bits 0,5)
Nestopia 1.37 added 🙂



- Menu option for DIP switch window popup on file load.
- Movie recording now supported during netplay.


- Smaller netplay data packets.
- Minor GUI adjustments.
- Refactoring.


- Scaling artifacts with NTSC filter on certain resolutions.
- Auto NTSC/PAL window resize bug.
- Sound stuttering on window clicks.
- Netplay bugs/quirks.
- Joystick auto-calibration bug.



- Mapper 63.
- Mapper 121 and 134. Info from CaH4e3.
- Mapper 136 for Sachen board SA-002 3011. Info from Enri.
- Mapper 178 for "San Guo Zhong Lie Zhuan (Ch)". Info from temryu.
- UNIF boards: AX5705, T-230, CTC-65 and 190IN1. Info from CaH4e3.
- Adaptive sound streaming synchronization.
- More optimization hints for GCC.
- Database entries.


- Movie file format rewritten. Older files will no longer work (sorry, had to
be done sooner or later). New format is much more flexible and extendable.
- Lower memory consumption.
- APU speed optimizations.
- Most DIP switches are now configurable through dialogs instead being
- Board names. Info from Pongbashi and Bootgod.
- Refactoring.


- Mapper 41 and 43.
- Mapper 112. Fixes "Fighting Hero III". Info from temryu.
- Minor save state inaccuracy.
- FDS sound emulation inaccuracy.
Fixes "Nazo no Magazine Disk - Nazoraa Land Dai 3 Gou".
- Small rewinder bug.
- Database entries.