Originally posted by it290@Jul 10, 2004 @ 09:52 PM
Not to downplay the significance of those finds, but some sarin and mustard gas is hardly what we were told Iraq possessed before the war. Nor does it come close to qualifying as an imminent threat to US security. Also, all the nuclear research you pointed to in that interview took place before the Gulf War and therefore prior to UN sanctions being put in place.
Yeah ok I agree with the 9/11 commisions findings , they are pretty generic findings though and none supprised me .
Yes Iraq had no nukes Ive stated this before .
But answer this
Do you think Sadam had nuclear ambitions , which is what i remeber hearing in the case against Iraq . Yes Iraq had for the most part piss poor scientists and poor excuses for parts but why let the process it go on further .
Sadam did have and continued to have chemical , nuclear and biological scientists and research did go on still if you believe that this all stopped because the UN said so you are either naive or a sadam sympathizer ...since theres pretty much no such thing I assume ..I dunno you just wanna argue . In the last dosier handed over from Iraq to the Un before the war (almost the same dosier from 1991) its stated all kinds of crazy stuff like tons on anthrax sarin mustard gas and bilogical agents that I have no idea what exactley they are or do . This all makes sense because little was destroyed by weapons inspectors . Well were is all this stuff ...wheres is are all these declred weapons ? Wheres the weapons of mass destruction . Yes indeed this is a very scary question .
theres 3 schools of thoughts on this .
1. Put out but out by Sadams captured government workers and some US press , Sadam puffed his weapon capabilities to scare of would be attackers .
2. Its burried or shipped to Syria .
3. Sadam says he destroyed it but the scientists forgot to fully update the dossier .
Eight months of making known invasion is plenty of time to do well anything
As stated before president Bushes statement in the last 4 months before months before the war were weak at best ...but they werent THE reason for war .
The reason for war was non compliance on signed treaties and un interupted weapons inspections . Sadam was unstable character in a part of the world that desperatley needs stability .
Again I submit this to you that war with Iraq was more humane than continued imbargos and bombing campaigns without factoring in the rule of an on oppressive leader