Originally posted by Quadriflax@Jun 30, 2004 @ 07:59 PM
Yipe, I didn't really mean to start all this. I don't really want to get too in depth since I could go on ad nauseum about this stuff.
But there's a joke about this kind of thing and Republicans/Anti-Abortionists/The Religious Right. That is, they'll fight for your life until you're born, then you're on your own. Note, this doesn't mean that's what *I* believe, but here's my point: you have to remember the mother. The mother's life is also important.
I *never* would suggest anyone use abortion as a form of birth control. That's absurd. But, as for the cases I mentioned before, it needs to be an option. If for no other reason than because people will do it anyway, whether it's clean and regulated or not. I'm not talking about some 16 year old girl that gets knocked up by her boyfriend because he didn't wear a condom. I'm talking about the 28 year old that got raped, or the 15 year old that was sexually assulted by her father, or the 34 year old woman that wanted a child, is close to doing so, but might die if she gives birth. There are situations where doctors can tell that the unborn child, if born, will be severly crippled and have a slim chance of survival, and that the mother might not survive the birthing process.
I was asked "what if the cells were me"? Well, what if that's your wife that might die because there's something wrong? Or your sister that was raped and is now pregnant? Again I state that abortions are *never* something people WANT to do. They HAVE to do it. It's a medical procedure, not a form of birth control. Don't take that right away from people who NEED it.
As for adoptions being an alternative. Yes, maybe for the 16 year old that got knocked up by her boyfriend. But why should a rape/incest victim bear the responsibility of paying for everything, taking the time, and going through the danger and pain of birth when it's not their child. I don't know about you, but I would never want to force that on someone that just got raped.