FTP Server Problems


Established Member
Well I was attempting to get the server back online and low and behold it wont accept anyone.

I am using G6 FTP, have the passive mode ip set (because i'm behind a firewall) and have the computer accesible to the internet, same as last time, but no dice, anyone have any ideas? Its starting to annoy me some because i've set up everything like I did last time, I may just be missing one little thing thats causing the whole thing not to work.
If you have access to the firewall config, see if you can forward the main ftp port to your system. Active/Passive should have nothing to do with initial connect.
this will be Persistant Port Forwarding, Port 21, and forward it to Winipcfg or Ipconfig IP address.

or, maybe your lucky, and your router will tell you the ip addresses of all computers connected to it.

(yes, i know my reply of the other thread; didn't see this one then)
what kind of router do you have? if you can get to its' settings just set it to forward the port for your computer. Check your router's web page to see how or if you can do it that way.
I have a linksys, I applied forwarding and set up the connections in the ftp program that i'm using (g6). It just doesnt seem to want to connect. I have my real ip addy and i'm using it and it wont connect, however it will connect to the ftp using the internal ip. Its kinda screwy.

I am running XP as well. I believe that to be a partial problem. may be compatibility issues.
so you def set it up right in the routers browser? i think i had a bit of a problem when i tried to start a ftp server on my computer awhile ago but eventually i got it working forget how(have a linksys also)