Games u've been ripped off by...

Same here I preorderd ff7.

I hawked it 2 weeks later, along with the playstation that I got to play it.
Bought a hacking game for my PC which was so touch.

I only finished the first 3 levels and the whole game was 30 .. :biggrin:

Also i bought some EA style Genesis/Mega Drive games which suck .. and once bought a new mega drive and then realized that it cant play most of the Genesis games.
Quote: from Service Games on 12:40 pm on Oct. 17, 2001

Same here I preorderd ff7.

I hawked it 2 weeks later, along with the playstation that I got to play it.

boy, ur getting ur moneys worth out of that emoticon there! 😉
Final Fantasy 8..

I paid 50 for this game. It had high expectations, and it turned out to be real boring. Plus the fact that it came out a day before DC made it even less appealing 🙂

Soul Calibur..

This was the first game I got on the DC launch..I had it preordered along with Sonic Adventure, the system and a VMU. Only Soul Calibur and the machine itself made it to Best Buy. The other stuff didn't arrive till the weekends, so I guess this was an awesome game to play when I had limited resources; the graphics were just gorgeous. But it got old for me in 2 weeks..

I traded that and FF8 both in for Crazy Taxi, a game which was way worth more than I paid for 🙂
FF8 - tell me aboubt it....the summons were a good improvement...but i didn't like the story much....

Go Crazy Taxi!

Its time to make some CRRRRAAAZZYYY MONEY!!!
The Bouncer for PS2. This game looked promising from the screenshots and previews....and then I bought the game the day it came out for $50, and it was only fun for about half an hour. It's just been sitting on my shelf ever since. I'll probably end up trading it in for Shenmue 🙂
Chrono Cross... 50 bucks... GIVE IT BACK NOW!

Hardly played the #### game after I got about halfway through disk one.

Some may disagree with me, but I think its a horrible game with crappy music. Music is one of the things I judge games on, if it appeals to me, then I generally like the game a little more. Same with FF7 and FF9. Didn't like ff7 all that much, and didn't like ff9 much either, although I enjoyed the FF9 music, so it gets a 6 out of 10.

(Edited by Snyderman at 9:13 pm on Oct. 17, 2001)

(Edited by Snyderman at 9:14 pm on Oct. 17, 2001)
Well, I thought The Bouncer Was a great game. Although it was very sort (I beat it in like an hour), the replayability kept me comming back over and over again.
Quote: from megametalgreymon on 5:49 am on Oct. 18, 2001

caramgeddon 64, for the n64

dredful controls, and very poor graphics

and virtua racing for the saturn

i liked burning rangers though

You felt ripped off by Virtua Racing?

I love it!

The graphics are very basic, but then it was like that at the arcade too.
I f you want to feel ripped off by a racing game, buy Checkered Flag for the Jaguar!!! i don't want to be alone in this forum
How can you guys complain about Final Fantasy 7 and 8 ? They are amongst the better games created, especially part 7.

But to contribute, I'd have to say Pray for Death for pc, it wasn't very good....not good....not even stank.
Ah well, when it comes down to it it's all personal preference really. One man's junk is another man's treasure right? Most people I know that really like FF6 a lot, tend to either dislike ff7 or like it some. The people that really love FF7 are sometimes the ones who haven't played the others. I myself have played every FF... thank you NES emus... including FF2 (Jap SUCKED) and FF3 (You think FF5 job system is new? it started here in FF3 NES).

Aside from the games afore mentioned, none really that I regret getting aside from Chrono Cross and FF7, (Square has been a REAL disappointment to me as of late). BTW have you noticed a lot of people buy Square stuff JUST because it's square? I hate hearing "Oh it CANT be that bad, after all it IS square"... please....
Has anyone here ever rented a game? I don't normally buy a game unless I've tried it either with a demo, playing it at a friend's house, or renting it--for all the reasons you've mentioned.

Except for Tiberian Sun on the PC. I bought it for $20 based on loving the previous C&C games. Oops. 🙁
Snyderman, you are right about me liking FF7/8, cause I had never played the earlier series (except Final fantasy mystical quest which i liked a lot) , but I tried them on a snes emu and I didn't get as hooked as I was with FF7.
No offense Chiraz, but thats the problem right there. I love the SNES games, but it's just not the same on an emu. If possible, borrow it from a friend and play it on Snes, maybe you'll like it, maybe not. I myself am not swayed by fancy graphics, so I can go right back to playing an NES or a SNES over PSX on some days.
You actualy LIKED mystic Quest? Jeez, your probly the first person I have ever heard/read liked that game. Also, Snyderman is right: Emus don't give you the true feeling that games do when played on their original platform. Personaly I liked ff3 more then ff7, simply because, even though ff7s story was more epic, ff3 had a LOT more things to do. I ended up passing the timer limit by doing lots of side quests and going to find neat items, unlike in ff7 where I ended up boredly leveling for 30+ hours.
Well, as for Fabrizo's earlier comment on Burning Rangers...

DID YOU EVEN PLAY THE DAMNED GAME!? 🙂 I downloaded it, and I would pay money for it if I could find a decent offer...

Seriously, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I think one of the biggest ripoffs I ever encountered was Revolution X for Saturn. No gun support really hurts. There are many other wastes I have encountered, quite a few on the Genesis... ####, that was probably Revolution X too. Revolution X is just a crapty game. I hate Aerosmith.
Oh, I have found much worse games on the saturn before, but burning rangers was the biggest ripoff for the amount of money I spent. Yes I did play the game, in fact I beat it six times, but only because I had nothing better to do at the time. You say you burned your copy eh? Well to tell the truth, I have never made a burned copy of a saturn game, I just dont like the swap any of the swap methods, and I don't like the idea of moding my precious saturn.