Genesis / Power Base Converter q.


Established Member
Does anyone know if it's possible to make the Genesis do FM sound when playing SMS games that support it? Or is this totally impossible? Is there any way to get FM sound short of buying a Japanese Master System or Mark III w/FM module?
It should be possible to stick a YM2413 in there if you add the appropriate address decoding circuitry, but YM2413s don't exactly grow on trees (there's an off chance that the YM3812 or YMF262/OPL3 could be made to work, but I'd need to dig up manuals to get a decent idea) and the decoder might need to be pretty substantial depending on what the existing map looks like. If you think you can dig one up and are interested in giving it a shot I can take a closer look and try to figure out what would be necessary...
Yeah, I figured it would require something extensive. I don't have anywhere near the expertise in electronics required to construct something like that, but it would be an awesome mod. I have an OPL3 based soundcard around here somewhere that I could donate if you wanted to give it a try, Ex. Probably would be a lot of work for something that most people consider minor, though.