GiriGiri screenshots

Here are some shots of the Shining Force 3 Scenario 1 demo, that is avaliable at the Cyberdisk website. These were taken with the legal version of the emulator (after I finally got it to run on my non-Japanese Windows 98, that is) yonks ago, way before the hacked version appeared.





I tried Giri Giri for the first time last night.

I was impressed on how well it ran.

I have a 2.4Ghz P4, but I only have a 16Mb Matrox G400.

It actually seemed too fast -- at least at 800X600

Played PD Zwei a little. Sound didn't seem real great, but it definately ran well.

BTW, what exactly is our official policy of discussing this emu? What can we talk about and what can't we?
6 x FullSceneAntiAliasing

Iceman is just showing off. 😉

Originally posted by IceMan2k@Apr 9, 2003 @ 04:22 AM

Please do not post on how to get so and so game working in a "special" version of this emulator. I don't want any flak from SEGA.

You can talk about the emulator, but not about where to get it or how to hack it to play different games.