Google Adds Satellite Images to Maps

Woot. Here's my house -


Judging by the details in the photo, this picture is about a year old, maybe older.

btw -- can't upload any attachments, seems to be a board problem.
Yeah, it's a pretty cool library. I think it's ranked as one of the best in the nation. My girlfriend works there -- she just started a couple weeks ago.
Originally posted by it290@Fri, 2005-04-08 @ 10:16 AM

btw -- can't upload any attachments, seems to be a board problem.

[post=132626]Quoted post[/post]​

The uploads folder hasn't been hooked up yet. :/
Originally posted by it290@Thu, 2005-04-07 @ 06:16 PM

Woot. Here's my house -

Judging by the details in the photo, this picture is about a year old, maybe older.

[post=132626]Quoted post[/post]​

Based on the picture of my hoouse it seems to be nearly four years old. I can tell because we put an addition on several years ago and in the satellite picture the grass hadn't grown back yet
I'm sure it varies based on the area... I can tell with mine, because there are two apartment towers (one of them is directly to the west of my house, the other is south) that weren't there four years ago. However, they are building a large addition to the art museum right now, and that's not in the photo -- from the image, it looks like they might have just started when it was taken.
Interesting, based on two people we can say they range from 1-4 years old. Not very accurate--can anyone else date their satellite photo? I'm curious as to how old or new these pictures tend to be...

Satellites are cool.

Well judging from this picture, it was taken about the time I moved into my house. I can tell because the park across the street has the construction just beginning.

I can see my backyard, my house is the one with the red box. Shit I can even see my car, heh.

So, this pic is a year and a half old!
Originally posted by Supergrom@Fri, 2005-04-08 @ 01:21 AM

pictures by my house are between 1 and 2 years old based on renovations i can see at my old high school (new track, but no new football/baseball/softball fields). also, by the ocean it becomes very obvious that not all photos are from the same day, so i guess they could be a while apart.

[post=132643]Quoted post[/post]​

How could they be from the same day. There isn't enough time to take them in one day.

You can definately tell they arent the same day when you look at new england... Look at Massachusettes, its a totally different brightness then anything around it. Its not like MA is that color naturally (although last night at work a friend of mine looked at it and made the comment that the trees arent as green in Mass after looking at his hometown in palmer! HAHAHAHAHA)

I will say that in my town my house is taken on what seems to be a wednesday or so... (the activity at the school and sinagog(sp?) tells me that) but the pictures a little ways north at my work are taken on a weekend due to the lack of activity at my work and school. My school and works parking lot are packed full all day long except on saturdays and sundays.
the one for where i live now is at least either a year or 2 old. but everywhere i live is always around sensitive things because they never let you get in closser to the pic than just a very broad over head pic. i can't pick out my house in both of the areas i live in.
I've found a few instances where google sticks the location of a house at the wrong place on a map, sometimes by as much as a block or two.