Grandia Audio

Has anyone tried to decode the Grandia speech? or compared the files on the psx version and the saturn version as a lot of the files are the same but some are missing in the psx version. Just wondering if it would be easier to copy the speech from the psx version to the saturn version if they are stored the same way, as wouldnt that be easier than hacking the text or maybe copy the text from the psx version?
oh i cant do any converting as i have no knowlage of hacking or programming i was just asking.

The psx version has true 3d trasparency but a lot of the textures are not aligned correctly, the sprites are suposedly lower quality and there is more slow down but other than that the game is the same i think as i havent played much of the sat version.
I have beaten both of them. The PSX version has a few cosmetic improvements over the Saturn version. Some transparencies look better (but do not be fooled: the Saturn version is full of true transparency effects), with a brighter look to them and little extra effects on some spells.

There are a few (and I say again: a *few*) gouraud shading effects in some areas, but they don't enhance the game too much (they could've used it everywhere and really boost the graphics, but it was probably too much work), and does introduce bad dithering where it's used (the rest of the game shows no sign of dithering at all - a good thing).

Some things are not as good, however. The sprites look a bit pixelated (it's as if they don't match the screens pixels at the default zoom level anymore) and had their palettes changed slightly. Also they changed the characters' circle shadows by the angled shadows that you see during battle. This was a bad move, IMO, since those shadows are merged with the sprites themselves (so they'll stick to the characters during jumps, instead of staying on the ground), and they look awkward when the camera goes rotating.

All battle backgrounds got a lower resolution too. They're blurry and look out of focus, what is a drawback, since the resolution in the Saturn version is good enough so the battle backgrounds look like the real time backgrounds. Also, all "mode7" effects were replaced by simple polygons, so usually the ground looks more pixelated and with a bit of the ol' PSX texture smearing. The water effects looks worse due to the same reason.

Regarding framerate, the PSX version seemed to have as much slowdown as the Saturn version. A few areas run faster on the PSX, but some other ("mode7" heavy) areas actually run slower.

As for converting the audio... all audio (voice and music) in the Saturn version is compressed with ADX. I'm not sure about the PSX version (did any PSOne games use ADX at all?). All music tracks are fused in a single .STZ file (FIELD\GM2.STZ). I don't know if the voices are in it or not.


I was trying to attach a small app that can play .STZ files, among with most of the ADX-based files you can find in Saturn games (it can also decode the audio tracks for the Lunar2 and Burning Rangers FMV). But I am not allowed to post .LZH files. If anyone wants it, PM me.
yeah ive noticed a lot of small changes as i have been playing through the saturn version but the oddest diffrence ive found is the texture aligment eg the floor in parm in the psx version none of the paths match to were they are meant to be its quite simple to fix.
The floor in Parm is a VDP2 plane in the Saturn version. It's a 2D tile map that can be rotated and put to a perspective (like the SNES "mode7" effect). To reproduce such effect on the PSX, you need two triangles per tile, so the PSX version got larger sized tiles, to reduce the amount of tiles visible on the screen at the same time. This probably screwed up the original level of detail.

(BTW, I sent you the file, tell me if you got it)
THanks for the program

I checked the files and it seems that file (GM1.stz something like that) contains all the music and the speech but there are two major flaws in my idea

1 - The psx file is coded slightly diffrently (i think it could be converted quite easily with the right know how)

2 - A very big flaw, I forgot that not all the text is spoken hmm... but if the same sort of logic applies to the text who knows hmm
You got me interested in this now. I do have the saturn version but not the ps1 version. I may try to do this but first I need to see what audio formats both version use.
Haven't looked that the PSX version contents, but I have a strong feeling that it doesn't use ADX.

Maybe it's that "Skywalker Sound" logo at the beginning of the PSX version.
it has the same extention as the sat version (*.stz) but is a little bit bigger and crashes the program i used for opening the saturns files
screw the audio, they can speak Jap for all I care.....would be cool to get english though. The thing we really need is a full text translation :).