Help from comic book collectors


Mid Boss
I know at least Vertigo is a collector. Here is my question. I have a bunch of comic related cards from back in the 90's. Stuff like X-Men, Marvel, Chaos, etc.They are sucking up space and I was gonna throw them on ebay. However, I'm looking for something to help me in pricing. Back in the day, I know back in the day, there were some magazines. Everything I find is on sports cards. Any help is appreciated.
Heh... Most of those old cards are worthless now. At the Pittsburgh ComiCon last weekend, there were dealers selling sets for a few bucks, entire boxes for $5 or less. Some of the "Masterpiece" type sets (with original, exclusive / semi-exclusive artwork) have held a little value on the art-card market, but as comic-cards they're not worth much.

Non-Sport Update is still being published.