Help me wire-map an LCD screen

Yeah so i got one of these things with the intent of just using the screen...but it had this big xbox controller hanging off the bottom which i didn't want or need...upon taking the unit apart i found i had to cut wires in order to seperate the controller from the LCD itself.... So now....being the dumbass that I am...i have an LCD screen that should be fully functional but i have no clue as to what wire does what....

there are 7 wires.... 4 of those i'm guessing are for sound...stereo left and right audio....+/- for each...

now i've got 3 wires left....i'm guessing power and ground for the screen and what's the last remaing wire?? the video signal?? and now here's the real do i figrue out which wire goes to which component, they are all just sorta soldered/glued into the circuit board....I'd just start hooking stuff up, but i'm nervous for destroying the components rather than just the wiring...


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I can't quite see what you're talking about...

Could you make the picture a bit bigger and fuzzier? :sarcasm: