House Of The Dead: The Movie


Premise: Set on an island off the coast of Florida, a techno rave party attracts a diverse group of college coeds and a Coast Guard officer. Soon, they discover that their X-laced escapades are to be interrupted by zombies and monsters that attack them on the ground, from the air, and in the sea, ruled by an evil entity in the House of the Dead... (source: The Hollywood Reporter, 9/18/01)


Hrm.... Ecstasy users gone bad?? This sounds more like propaganda against Ecstasy, raves, etc etc, than a movie based on the HOTD series.... *sigh* Or maybe the person who wrote the script used to be a raver and is very bitter and jaded towards drugs now... and wants all drug users to die.... I hear that happens after you consume large quantities of them over the period of several years....

I'll pass on the movie, thanks. My support for Sega and all their doings is good, but.... it doesn't quite stretch that far.
That could be anti-drug bias on the part of Hollywood Reporter rather than the movie, and it sounds like it's trivializing the plot quite a bit as well. Much more simplification, and you'd have "people get attacked by zombies", which anyone already could have figured out 🙂.
Huh, I thought this movie had been canned years ago. Strange, game movies always come out if anounced, yet they all suck.
Quote: from Fabrizo on 3:36 am on Oct. 9, 2001

Huh, I thought this movie had been canned years ago. Strange, game movies always come out if anounced, yet they all suck.
What examples do you have in mind?
  • Tomb Raider?
  • Final Fantasy: TSW?
  • Super Mario Brothers?
  • Double Dragons?
1. Mortal Kombat

2. Mortal Kombat: Anihilation

3. Tomb Raider

Also, the ymade a double dragons movie? (I probly have seen it but forgot)
Cynnamin: I haven't seen Street Fighter the Movie yet, but I've heard that it was really bad.

Fabrizo: Yes, it came out in 1993; it was pretty bad as well. Here is a pic of it:


Can you guess who that guy in the middle (below the words DOUBLE DRAGON) is? 😉
Street Fighter was really, *really* bad. They did as much as they possibly could to disregard the original storyline while keeping it close enough that there's some kind of vague resemblance. Blanka's story is, for example, completely altered. My memory of it is vague and/or blocked, but I think they made Chun Li into a news reporter.

Just horribly, utterly wrong.

Master (I assume that *is* the appropriate way to abbreviate your full name 🙂): See it if you're prepared to make fun of it or just laugh at its incompetence. I can't think of any other good reason to go to the trouble of obtaining it.
hehehe i remember seeing bits and pieces of it on tv.

my main compliant is that they totally fudge

ed up guile's hair. &@$(*&$(*$@

and yeah chun li was a news reporter!

i just like the fact that scott whatsihsface was in the double dragon movie. he's come a LONG way *gigglz*
aww, come on girls and guys, not all of those movies were really bad. I really enjoyed the Final Fantasy movie as a no-brainer, and Mario Brothers was fun if you DON´T like the plumber duo. sure, most of those didn´t have too much in common with their video game counterparts but the FF-games p.ex didn´t have too much in common either (apart from a guy named cid or sid who always piloted an airship and Chocobos).

On the other hand, there are lots of Anime movies and series about games (mostly about fighters) which aren´t really that bad. The Street Fighter series is better than the movie in every aspect, there´s also Final Fight, Darkstalkers and lots of others out there, so take a look and be surprised. I just wonder why noone already made a HOTD/ResidentEvil movie in the dark Spawn-animated series style.
Ahh, yeah, clicking on it would've told you that, but I was asking which character in the movie he plays, but then again, clicking on the pic would've told you that too. Oh well... 😉
Hehe, now I remember seeing that movie (Double Dragons), it sucked! 🙂 But at least I can say that the main villan was played by a fairly good actor, in my opinion that is.
Hehe .. Street Fighter really sucked .. i read that this movie dropped van dam's or whatever his name is popularity pretty much when it was released .. and Double Dragin is pretty bad .. and they even put lil cuts from the movie in the Double Dragon fighting game .. Tomb Raider movie is lame too .. i hate Angelina anyway .. the only good movie of her is "The Bone Collector" .. the others like Tomb Rider , Hackers .. she sucked there .. in other words .. your right .. Games movies suck .. by the way .. did anyone see the Resident Evil movie .. i didnt get it yet .. i just saw its name on my DVD as new release ..