Premise: Set on an island off the coast of Florida, a techno rave party attracts a diverse group of college coeds and a Coast Guard officer. Soon, they discover that their X-laced escapades are to be interrupted by zombies and monsters that attack them on the ground, from the air, and in the sea, ruled by an evil entity in the House of the Dead... (source: The Hollywood Reporter, 9/18/01)
Hrm.... Ecstasy users gone bad?? This sounds more like propaganda against Ecstasy, raves, etc etc, than a movie based on the HOTD series.... *sigh* Or maybe the person who wrote the script used to be a raver and is very bitter and jaded towards drugs now... and wants all drug users to die.... I hear that happens after you consume large quantities of them over the period of several years....
I'll pass on the movie, thanks. My support for Sega and all their doings is good, but.... it doesn't quite stretch that far.