How do I extract MIDI files from Sega Saturn games?

I would like to know how to extract the MIDI music files from sega saturn games such as Astal, Rayman, Bug, Clockwork Night, and others. I would like to make some piano music from these files. I don't know where to start. I found ROM sites online for these games (not sure if some websites have different versions), I downloaded PowerISO but I'm not finding a seq or bin file folder. I don't understand how to use seq2mid or if it is necessary. I read using toncnv is useful to get the soundbank, but I'm not at that step yet. If someone could walk me through step by step how to extract the MIDI files I would appreciate it! Thanks in advance.
I don't know if this can help you out: How to extract .MIDI files from .SEQ (of Sega Saturn Audio)?

You don't have to look for a seq or bin folder, there is a folder that CONTAINS .seq and/or .bin, that folder can be named MUSIC, SOUND or something else. If in that folder there aren't any .seq but other extensions, then the game do not use sequenced music but streamed music and in that case you can't get the midi. Let us know if it works