How many saturns were actually sold?

I think he meant those who make systems...

I'm actually sick of the FF series now. Chrono Cross was VERY dissapointing to a CT fan like myself. Parasite Eve 1 was good in it's execution, but 2 was boring. I think Sega is way better than EVERYONE at coming out with NEW game ideas (and no one can argue and win there). Everyone SHOULD kiss Sega's ass. Here's hoping they kick every 3rd party right where it hurts, and make enough to come back to hardware...
I thought I answered you already? Some 10 million was an estimate. And just as a note... Cloud, your obsession with Square is a bit silly. NEWSFLASH!!! SQUARE MAKES BAD GAMES TOO! No offense, but I don't like your kind of FF Fan "Well, I never really liked FF, then I played FF7 and FF ROCKS!" Why must that be the general opinion? *sigh* There ARE other good companies out there, but if Square keeps things up, they can be off that list in no time... FFX just came out? GREAT! Lets get to work on FFXII, whooops! They already are! See what I mean?
In my mind, FF really did stumble at FF7 - the story felt like a rehash of FF6 with less interesting characters, and a "bad guy" who spectacularly failed to actually come off as being bad, resulting in a rather annoying lack of urgency. By around the middle of the third disc, I was ready to just let him have the Planet because I didn't really see what difference it would make (and from vague descriptions of the ending I've seen, it sounds like fighting him really doesn't make any). To be honest, I was more interested in saving Sephiroth from himself than trying to kill him. Making Holy and Meteor into forces utterly beyond the player's control doesn't score it any points in my book either - those are supposed to sit squarely in the arsenal of a couple of seriously powerful wizards, from which I can casually toss them at groups of unsuspecting goblins 🙂

FF8 was even worse. I'm sure I've mentioned my distaste for the Materia system here before, and the GF system just makes it even worse - am I really supposed to think that Squall, master of the gunblade, can't manage to uncork a bottle and drink without the help of a GF? It also had the same lack of urgency that 7 had, which was a really nasty demotivator - I don't think I even got halfway through the second disc before I gave up trying to care about what the #### was going on. Given that it was worse than FF7 for me, I was starting to consider the possibility that FF would *keep* sucking, which isn't something I want to see happen. On the plus side, I did like the "spell stock" magic system. I might try it again, since (unlike FF7), I haven't played most of it.

I haven't played a whole lot of FF9 yet, but my initial impression is that it's much nicer - more character-driven and (as far as I've played) doesn't use the super-boring Materia/GF style of combat abilities. I really need to put some more hours into it...

As for FF10, well... I'll wait and see how it goes. Not owning a PS2 kind of puts me in a good position to do that...

And as for Chrono Cross... well, I won't close that book until I've tried it again. Maybe I haven't given it a fair chance. But suffice it to say that I completely failed to connect with it the first time around, and I get the feeling that I'm just going to uncover a bunch of contrived tie-ins to CT that barely manage to justify CC's status as a sequel. It just felt Wrong, kind of like FF8 did.

Thus ends yet another off-topic rant 🙂
square is really losing its driving force, the ff games are almost like EA sports games now, same engines, different characters (updated rosters). The last square game i enjoyed was probably ff5 (not their translation either, the snes translation done by an independant source). Front Mission 2 was fun, havent played 3 yet, and Xenogears was great, but past those games, Square blows now, and is just a name to sell systems.

Just ignore cloud, he's an annoying little kid that told me hentai was better than the real thing.
As long as we are getting off topic 🙂 The following, with the exception of Hanjuku Hero (Horrible game for SNES 1992) All of these crap games were released in a period of say... 4 years.(perhaps not everyones opinion)

Hanjuku Hero (UGH!!!)

Chrono Cross (Nothing on Chrono Trigger)

Final Fantasy VII (I gave up on disk 1)

Final Fantasy VIII (Never even bothered other than playing a bit on a friends PS.)

Parasite Eve II (ARG! A good idea gone boring and crappy, the 1st was better)

SaGa Frontier (.....)

SaGa Frontier 2 (meh a little better I guess)

Legend of Mana (HAH I'll take Secret of Mana with its 2000000000 glitches over this crap any day. Secret of Mana 2 is good as well...)



Let's not forget that FFXI and FFXII is already in the works 😛

(Edited by Snyderman at 2:55 am on Dec. 21, 2001)

(Edited by Snyderman at 2:57 am on Dec. 21, 2001)
Whoa, lots of stuff I want to reply to on this topic, I should have posted sooner. Anyways, here are some quotes and what I think of them:

From Bjmzz:

Why does Mario always get called a kiddie game? Just cause he doesn't chop off Bowser's head and rape Peach doesn't mean it's a kiddie game.

My response:

LoL! I think that would kick a$$!

From Snyderman:


My response:

Noooooo! It can't be true! Square is a god that can do no wrong! J/K 😛

From Excyber:

In my mind, FF really did stumble at FF7 - the story felt like a rehash of FF6 with less interesting characters, and a "bad guy" who spectacularly failed to actually come off as being bad

My response:

Im not sure wich I played first FF7 or FF3 (not 6, that was a crappy remake IMO), but I do remember that both of them were by far some of the most engrosing games I ever played. FF7 was good for its strong plot structure, beautiful music, and cinematic CG sceans. As for the "Bad guy" of FF7, Sephiroth, he didn't come off as so much a bad guy as he did an actual individual, driven more or less to the brink of madness. I thought he was a wonderful villan for the game, I was getting pretty sick of the "Im an all powerful god demon that wants to destroy the world for no aparent reason" aproch in RPG villans.

From Skankinmonkey:

The last square game i enjoyed was probably ff5 (not their translation either, the snes translation done by an independant source). Front Mission 2 was fun, havent played 3 yet, and Xenogears was great.

My response:

I guess I havn't seen Squares better offerings yet then cause I havn't played any of those games, lol.

From Shaneus:

*cough* the bouncer *cough*

My response:

The bouncer isn't a bad game, it just takes an ungodly short time to beat.
The last square game i enjoyed was probably ff5 (not their translation either, the snes translation done by an independant source).

Amen to that. I think it's reasonable to assume that I'm not the only one who wants to seek out whoever translated Faris in Square's version and inflict pain...
ok Excyber you do not dis FF7,FF8 those are some of the best games ever made.

I do not care that this is a sage site. YOU DO NOT DIS THOSE GAMES!!!!

You did not like them so much because you were not good at them or you have a really low-low-low IQ!
Quote: from Demon on 11:01 am on Dec. 21, 2001

ok Excyber you do not dis FF7,FF8 those are some of the best games ever made.

I do not care that this is a sage site. YOU DO NOT DIS THOSE GAMES!!!!

You did not like them so much because you were not good at them or you have a really low-low-low IQ!

Low IQ? Thats funny...sorta like the pot calling the kettle black, huh? Perhaps you're to chidish to accept critisism over a VIDEOGAME...loser.
Final Fantasy never is final, i wish it would be, I mean c'mon, 12?

1 was the best in my opinion, it had replay value, just see how chalenging it is to beat it with all white mages.

As I haven't really had the comfort necessary to play an RPG on my computer, I haven't played 2-5 very much so i won't comment

I VI was well done and Square should have stopped fantasizing and quit there.

VII was okay, but they should have called it something else or made a new series out of it, I hated the fact that gamers who used to rage about MK i, II, III started liking RPG's, is eye candy all they really needed?

Watching my friend play Final Fantasy VIII, I really haven't had the urge to play it, Squall's just too #### depressing, and he didn't care much, so i didn't care much to help him.

Those final fantasy games are like an old band coming back together just for the money usually resulting in some not as good as they used to be album. Their fans still pay to see them live while they can though....

I don't think that made much sense.

I must really thank square for Secret of Mana though, and secret of evermore, the USA team was somewhat original, The story was pretty good, i must say

If my opinions bother you, then sit on it.
just to let you guys know, ilovesega is cloud121, and they both will be banned, demon is on thin ice too.

btw, ex-cyber is extremely intelligent, and disliking a game does not mean someone is 'stupid'. grow up kids
I am geting gamecube cuase guess what square soft is gunna make games for them also the fact that nearly all the x box titles will be ported to the pc