Hi all,
This mod has been driving me crazy for quite some time here. My original mod gave out much like Gechmir's, though it was of varying functionality over a few weeks. Then, it died.
Wanting to try again, I just recently bought a few boards from racketboy. He was very helpful and comes as a highly recommended seller (though I bet most of y'all already knew that). Thing is, I've been having familiar trouble with them. Specifically, one was installed and worked quite well. Then, after a gentle nudge to secure it when closing the case, it ceased working, reverting to the music CD-boot situation met by my older board.
After cussing at it for several minutes, I came here and reread the entire thread again. Thinking that maybe bad contacts were to blame, I opted to test. So, I soldered my original mod board to the Saturn. 84 painfully small solder points later, I got the same result as had happened before: the dreaded boot-to-music CD screen. Could the chip somehow be going bad at random?
So, I have to wonder; how shoddy are these mod boards? I've never had any electronic component die just by nudging the edge of the board. Also, I had to sand the edge of the data input slot to fit in the mainboard socket; the cut was a little wide. Could having a region mod affect it? (Any mod attempts have been made on region modded Saturns is all.) Then again, I got one mod to take (

) without any seeming trouble. I'm just worried it won't last long. Any ideas on the random failure rate of these mod boards?
Well, there's always emulation. So... how are those emulators coming along.