[Howto]Compile yabause under windows


Established Member
For those who want to compile yabause under windows, there is an howto on the yabause wiki in order to setup the compile environment from scratch.

And for those who want to easily setup the compile environment, you simply need to extract the following archive to your C:\dev directory.

(This is an archive of the yabause compile directory from my PC)

Note1: I broadcast theses file because I thought it would be convenient for other users who want to easily modify yabause. However, in the case it is forbidden to distribute files in this way, please let me know and I will remove the download link.

Note2: The archive includes a slightly modified version of yabause that display debug messages on DebugView application. (I used this feature when I wrote my S.A.T.U.R.N. contest entry)

If you want to use the original sources of yabause, please refer to C:\dev\download\yabause-0.9.10 folder or directly from svn as explained here on the yabause wiki.