Ignorant idiots at it again...


Established Member
Hey guys, get a load of this "editorial" I found at some site:

Heh.. listen to this guy talking about "Sega's collapse". There are so many things WRONG about this, it's not even funny...

Sega's™ collapse

Sega, the wonderful company that gave you Sonic, the genesis, all those wonderful games, Yet also gave you the dream cast. Lets get this rolling

The Sega Saturn

The Saturn went hand in hand with the Playstation. Saturn vs. Playstation. Most thought Sega would win because of the Genesis, Yet Sony made the better system. The Saturn made good games yet, Sony made the better ones. An the prices of both were $200 (here). That was the collapse of the Saturn.

Correction: The Saturn was $400 when it was released, and the PSX was $300. The only reason as to why people felt Sega was gonna beat out $ony, was because of them being in the industry for the past twenty+ years. Yes, the MegaDrive was a huge hit, however, with the average at best success of the Mega CD, and the complete flop of the 32x, many felt Sega would screw up again. They did initially, but ONLY in terms of pricing! The Saturn had much more advanced hardware under that black shell.

$ony made better games? $ony hardly made any games! Sports games maybe (GameDay, Faceoff, Shootout), but that was really it. After 1998 editions of those games, they hardly made anymore.

I can't think of any PSX games that can even come close to topping this Saturn list:

Radiant Silvergun


Burning Rangers

Dragon Force

Panzer Dragoon/Zwei/Saga

Guardian Heroes

That's just a mere tiny list of AAA titles that the Saturn has.

The Sega Dream Cast

The Saturn collapsed 3 years before the dream cast. The dream cast, with 128 bits graphics power, A great game collection, & 4 controller ports The play station did not stand a chance. However the Playstation 2 bit Sega In the ass with Backward compatabilty. Sega dream cast had its problems as well

What went wrong

The release of the Dream cast & FF8 on the same day as well as The upcoming PS2 made it wong release. Then there was the system itself. It loads slow & loud. The games scratched easily. Of course there was the lack of advertisement. They advertised most & only the sport games & the system did not atract Rpg & fighting games. Someone who looked beyond TV & magazines would have bought & enjoyed it. But there arent many. So this system died.

UGH! Now this is where it REALLY gets me going....

The release of the Dream cast & FF8 on the same day as well as The upcoming PS2 made it wong release.

$ony/Square decided to release FFVIII on the same day as the Dreamcast to counter the DC! They KNEW it was going to be big! They wanted to take away some of its momentum. The Dreamcast launch is regarded as the largest, and most successful in video game history!

Then there was the PlayStation 2 coming out? $ony RUSHED the PS2 to market because they were AFRAID of Sega and the Dreamcast! Look at how terrible BOTH the Japanese, and USA launches of it ended up! Even $ony dedicated publications and websites agreed that the Japanese launch was pretty bad.

Then there was the system itself. It loads slow & loud. The games scratched easily.

Then there's the system itself.. it's loud and loads slow? It's loud... BIG DEAL! THE PSX IS JUST AS LOUD! It's load times are slow? Go play PlayStation 2, then play some Dreamcast, and get back to me on those load times. You'll probably be too asleep from waiting the the PS2 to load!

The games scratched easily? Are you SURE you've got the DC and PSX correctly? The PSX scratched discs EVERY TIME YOU PLAYED! The PSX was notorious for scratching disc, and the same is true with the PS2 as well. Not too mention, the slightest bump of the PSX meant game lockups at times, it's so crappily built...

Of course there was the lack of advertisement.

Sega was low on money, and still in debt from the Mega CD, 32x, and Saturn days. They had to advertise what they could.

They advertised mostly the sport games

Could it be because sports games are the top selling games every year? Could it also be because the NFL, NBA, and NHL 2K franchises were huge? The sports are what MADE the Dreamcast! You think $ony is gonna go promote the PS2 as "The Console for Fighting Games", when there are hardly any top-quality ones on there? They promoted sports games because A. They target the lagrest audience, and B. Sports games were the DC's strength.

the system did not atract RPG & fighting games.

Grandia II and Skies of Arcadia. Widely regarded as two of the the greatest RPGs of all-time (especially Skies). That's all you need. Too many RPG are bad, as you just can't play 'em all (Take it from me...).

Didn't attract fighting games eh? Here's a list of EVERY fighting game for the Dreamcast I can think of:

Capcom vs. SNK: Millenium Fight 2000

Capcom vs. SNK: Millenium Fight 2000 Pro

Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001

Dead or Alive 2

Dead or Alive 2 Limited Edition

Fighting Vipers 2

Garou: Mark of The Wolves

Guilty Gear X

Last Blade 2

Marvel vs Capcom

Marvel vs Capcom 2

Mortal Kombat Gold

Power Stone

Power Stone 2

Soul Calibur

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike

Street Fighter III: Double Impact

Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service: Grand Master Challenge

The King of Fighters 2000

The King of Fighters 2001

The King of Fighters 2002

The King of Fighters 98

The King of Fighters 99

Vampire Chronicle for Matching Service

Virtua Fighter 3tb

Not a lot of fighting games? Yeah.....

Someone who looked beyond TV & magazines would have bought & enjoyed it. But there arent many. So this system died.

Not many? 11 Million worldwide isn't many? Odd...

Also, the Dreamcast isn't dead. Go hit DC Emulation and DC Homebrew and see what a lot of hardcore, dedicated Dreamcast fans are cooking up.

The Dream will never die....

If it looks odd, that's because I post this rant at a different board, and just copied it here.
You have got to love uneducated writers. The write so much BS, its not even funny. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy works for some Sony related mag or website.
Originally posted by M3d10n@Jun 21, 2004 @ 03:40 PM

...not to mention it looks like it was written by a 12 years old boy.

you took the words out of my mouth except I was thinking more like 10 years old.

I wouldn't waste my time considering his statements
Don't forget, Saturn was originally designed only for 2D and after Sony demonstrated the PSX at a trade show Sega added a 3D chip that nobody knew how to use.
About the disc scratchin' - the PSX does scratch the discs rather severly, except the PSX could still read the discs. The Dreamcast, on the other hand, would refuse to read a disc with less than half the severe scratches than that of a PSX disc - except, unlike the PSX, the Dreamcast isn't to blame for scratching it's own discs 😉
Originally posted by ExCyber@Jun 21, 2004 @ 05:42 PM

Don't forget, Saturn was originally designed only for 2D and after Sony demonstrated the PSX at a trade show Sega added a 3D chip that nobody knew how to use.
