IP address


Established Member
Hey guys. I finaly got a new router. So I wanted to put my ftp back up. But my ip has changed as it always does every now and then. How do i find the ip address. The IP that i get from my network connections folder is the blocked one. And its been so long that i have looked for my ip that i forgot of other ways to find it. BTW, i am using winXP.

PS. Sorry if this should go on another bored, but i wasn't sure wich one. So i put it here.
Yeah, I liked SegaSquad, but Shitface is just what i have been using for years. I even influenced all of my friends to change there names when we play multiplayer stuff.... example

On Halo I'm Shitface, Then theres Mr. Cacaface (my right hand man), My friend Poopshot, then theres Poopsniffer. Its like a clan of poop! These names go for all other games we play as well.
Originally posted by Shitface@Jul 31, 2003 @ 06:52 PM

On Halo I'm Shitface, Then theres Mr. Cacaface (my right hand man), My friend Poopshot, then theres Poopsniffer. Its like a clan of poop! These names go for all other games we play as well.

what a great team, how could you not be afraid of you guys 🙄

Best named halo team I've ever played against (online via gamespy) was Team STD - being killed by Aids was like 😱 ...and then there was syphillis and gonnorhea :huh:

Do you ever play online? I wouldn't mind seeing how I'd fare against you in a couple of matches if you wouldn't mind. Except I kinda am screwed at halo as I played Return to Castle Wolfenstein without inverted on and now my brain fights between going with inverted or not as it sees halo and wants inverted but is used to noninverted now :huh That was 10 seconds of your life you won't get back and I apologize.

Anyway, do you except my challenge to a duel?

Alright, Im not the best halo player. And all my friends really suck at halo. They always try to triple team me. But we play on custom rules with armor and health at 400% with infinite grenades and all vehicles. I don't prefer to use vehicles unless its for transportation. Because Ghosts are way to cheep. But i will if i have to. I'll accept your challenge. I just have to have my friend show me how to use Xbox connect. Cause i really don't know how anymore. I'll pm when that time comes.

PS... Im not saying we have to play with custom rules, whatever rules you want is fine with me. I play like that for my friends sake, so they will be pleased and can use there precious little ghosts.
Originally posted by MTXBlau@Jul 31, 2003 @ 11:17 PM

Go to the Command Prompt (start, programs, accessories) and type in 'ipconfig', hit enter.

Cool. When i do that however, it still is giving me a 192.xx.xx.xx address. Stupid router. I'll figure something out.